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Character saved games is confusing (please read)


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Hi Forum


I don't know how many of you have played this game with multiple saves from different characters.. but I have and it's very confusing to me. Your saved games are saved as a long list together with saves from your other characters and you constantly have to watch out that you don't overwrite a save from a different character you've created etc.. Very confusing when you got 10 saves from 4 different playthroughs laying on one list twisted together IMO.


All in all, I think the save system kinda sucks like that.


I don't know how many here have played Mass Effect 2, but that's a game and encourage multiple playthroughs with different characters aswell. The way it saves/load is that you press the name of the certain character playthrough you want loaded up and a list of saves from this playthrough and ONLY this playthrough shows up. Same thing happens when you save a game, it only shows you saves from that playthrough so you don't overwrite a different playthrough entirely. This makes everything much simpler since you don't have to worry about overwriting a save file from another playthrough. Also everything isn't just sitting there like one big list of confusion.


Now to why I put my concerns in this section:


Does anyone here know if there's a mod that impliment this way of systematic saving games from multiple playthroughs and if not, does anyone have the skill and effort to make this a reality?


Please leave a comment with your thoughts on the matter.


p.s English isn't my first language so I apologies if I expressed myself in a confusing way.

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