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Is Suicide Wrong



18 members have voted

  1. 1. Is suicide Wrong?

    • Yes, DON`T DO IT !!
    • Yes, it is selfish, cowardly etc.
    • No, Everyone has a right to decide this themselves

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Sure I would agree that a parent should not kill themselves, especially if they have young children that depend on them. On the other hand you have children which I think everyone agrees are a wonderful thing, but on the other hand it takes away some of your control over your life. You can´t kill yourself because you have others who depend upon you. Good thing I don´t have any children and as far as I can see I don´t want any, which makes me a poor choice for a boyfriend because just about every woman of my age wants a family and if the man doesn´t, then change the man, tough luck.


Besides there is the evolutionary question: Where would we be as a human race if everyone committed suicide? Or where would we be if no one wanted children? The fate of the human race rests with those who choose the ordinary path: marry, have children, grow old, die.

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Being mentally ill my self, I find it OK to lock people up, who are sucidal. If you are Bipolar like I am, you can have moments in life when you can not controle your self, and even have a sucidal mind. I have been locked up at "Cuckoo`s nest" not for a few times but several times.

As I am now at this momet I want to live, and I am happy that someone took over control in those week moments I had, keeping me from harming myself.

Should I ever end up as a vege, being fed with a spoon, well I´ll probably won´t notice.


EDIT: I did not vote, since it is both right and wrong. It is not either or, it is also maybe and what if. It depends on the situation.

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It is wrong to kill yourself, for any reason no matter the reason. If you are dying in a hospital bed, are a vegetable, or somehow binded to a hospital bed for the rest of your life, and you get someone to pull the plug, that's okay. But life is a precious gift, it is full of excitement, adventure, and happiness, just as equally as it is full of disappointment, discouragement, and tragedies. To kill yourself is a form of cowardice, selfishness, and an easy way out to all of your problems. Life is about dealing with these problems and adding something good to the world before time will eventually take you. If you want to throw something that meaningful away, then that's your problem, but if you drag other people into it with you, then you are just as much convicted as the deadliest murderer. Edited by Keanumoreira
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It is wrong to kill yourself, for any reason no matter the reason. If you are dying in a hospital bed, are a vegetable, or somehow binded to a hospital bed for the rest of your life, and you get someone to pull the plug, that's okay. But life is a precious gift, it is full of excitement, adventure, and happiness, just as equally as it is full of disappointment, discouragement, and tragedies. To kill yourself is a form of cowardice, selfishness, and an easy way out to all of your problems. Life is about dealing with these problems and adding something good to the world before time will eventually take you. If you want to throw something that meaningful away, then that's your problem, but if you drag other people into it with you, then you are just as much convicted as the deadliest murderer.


What is the difference between getting someone to pull the plug, or to pull that plug your self, Keanu? :smile:

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It is wrong to kill yourself, for any reason no matter the reason. If you are dying in a hospital bed, are a vegetable, or somehow binded to a hospital bed for the rest of your life, and you get someone to pull the plug, that's okay. But life is a precious gift, it is full of excitement, adventure, and happiness, just as equally as it is full of disappointment, discouragement, and tragedies. To kill yourself is a form of cowardice, selfishness, and an easy way out to all of your problems. Life is about dealing with these problems and adding something good to the world before time will eventually take you. If you want to throw something that meaningful away, then that's your problem, but if you drag other people into it with you, then you are just as much convicted as the deadliest murderer.


What is the difference between getting someone to pull the plug, or to pull that plug your self, Keanu? :smile:


Techniqually, it isn't qoute on qoute "suicide". I know they both have their connections, but Imo, it doesn't count if it isn't you who killed yourself, or in anyway direct. Btw...I don't use this as a means to replace suicide if you are wondering. I am smart enough and strong enough to realize my life is worth keeping.

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Well, Keanu, the original question was whether or not suicide was wrong. No question was asked about whether or not you had some assistance with the deed. Your post was interesting and enlightening, and well taken from your perspective.


However, although I do not feel that I can make that sort of decision for anyone else, from my perspective suicide would be a poor choice. Not necessarily "right" or "wrong". There are just way too many variables in the lives of each of us. And the processes that go into the making of that kind of decision cannot be weighed by anyone else. Personally, I would not consider it for many reasons, not the least of which is somewhat spiritual.

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Suicide...in the most true sense of the word...isn't right or wrong...


It is as my wise Father says, "a permanent solution to a temporary problem."

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Suicide...in the most true sense of the word...isn't right or wrong...


It is as my wise Father says, "a permanent solution to a temporary problem."

I think I would enjoy talking with your father, but if I may..."a irrevocable solution to a temporary problem".

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Suicide...in the most true sense of the word...isn't right or wrong...


It is as my wise Father says, "a permanent solution to a temporary problem."

Ive, thought of doing it several times. I agree with LP. The only way that it should be ok is if there was no hope of curing something afflicting you and all you had to look foreword to was existing in pain and seeing the pain on the faces of those you love.

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I am a mental patient aswell and have been forcibly committed to an asylum 3 times for "Psychotic Depression" each time the wording on the commitment paper was "For My Own Protection". Personally I think of the time spent there as the worst waste of my time ever. They don´t allow you to do ANYTHING without supervision and if you act funny they lock you up in a solitary cell which barely has a mattress in it, watching you with cameras all the time.


I think about suicide EVERY SINGLE NIGHT and sometimes it keeps me awake. Personally I see my own suicide as almost inevitable unless there is a miraculous change of my fortunes and I DO mean that it would have to be something very very big and MIRACULOUS to stop me from going down that path. But PLEASE don´t take that as a threat, (threatening messages are an offense by forum rules) I´m just making a propabilistic analysis of possible futures and suicide seems like a very likely outcome for me, or then I´m just a pessimist, but it would be hard for me to be an optimist in my situation.


So what´s keeping me from doing it right now? The main reason is that I don´t want to cause pain to my parents, so I will wait for them to die and then follow them to the afterlife when the time is right. However, I do not have any reservations about causing pain to my younger sister who will be my closest relative after my parents are gone. She has a boyfriend, a house, a job and very likely in the future children to whom I will be an uncle. She will be all right and get over losing me in no time at all.


I have discussed suicide with my psychotherapist (courtesy of our glorious health care system) and she was mainly interested in evaluating the risk of me doing something to myself. Of course I told her that there´s nothing to worry about, a lie, but a necessary one to keep her from worrying too much or trying to take measures to stop me.


Also what is standing in my way is the gun legislation in Finland which is very strict. For your first firearm you need a doctors certificate, which I think needs to prove that you are not on any psych meds at the time.

Now, if doctors know about my suicidal tendencies and have it in their medical histories, then what kind of a doctor would write me a clean bill of health without making a sidenote that this person might be suicidal as a warning to the police when they consider the gun permit?


Plus if you enter "shooting myself" into the Purpose of Gun ownership field in the application, do you think they will issue you a permit or a quick ticket back to the funny farm? :wallbash:


But of course you can always get a BB gun, those are available without permits and the modern models do pack enough punch to punch holes to a human carcass, just shoot for something vital like the heart or the aorta and you´re done. See, I have everything planned out already, should that be a warning signal?


But as it is, my parents will most likely be around for another 20 years, so I will have plenty of time to prepare for the exit and many sleepless nights thinking about it.


But recently I have come across some interesting reading about Near-Death Experiences http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Near_death_experience , read more in the Wikipedia. Some people who have actually been across the border and have come back tell us of a wonderful afterlife awaiting us, unless of course it is all just hallucinations caused by lack of oxygen to the brain, but that doesn´t really make sense. These experiences are too coherent to be hallucinations. Hallucinations would be incoherent mumbo-jumbo, these experiences are something else or so I believe.


So, to make matters worse, I´m somewhat curious as to what awaits us beyond death. Each religion has its own version of an afterlife. The atheist version is the most scary one, they believe that there is NOTHING beyond death. That we simply cease to exist, all that we were, personality, memories, everything is just GONE. Personally I choose to believe in some kind of an afterlife rather than just total oblivion.


But so it happens to be that I have a very personal interest in this topic.


After my parents are gone I don´t see any reason to stop myself from ending my earthly existence, if you see any good reasons why I should carry on then here´s your chance to pitch in.

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