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How to remove master file from mod


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Open it in FNVEdit, remove ALL references to the master file from your mod. You need to do this in order to delete it. This might be a bit hard to find, for example, if you have an armor in your mod with the repair list from the master file, it won't allow you to remove the master file from your mod (quite rightly so). Scour each and every entry for such links and remove them (right click --> remove). The entries from the master files would have FormIDs starting with the same number as the master file as loaded in FNVEdit (makes it easier to find).


If you can't remove a particular item, copy that item to your mod (right click --> copy as new record to...), making sure this does not create new links (item dependent on an object effect defined in the master for example). And modify all links to that particular item to point to the new item in your own mod.


Once you are sure you have cleaned all the links, right click on your mod --> Clean Masters. Save. Done.


P.S. If you want to check if its still linked, open File Header of your mod and check under MAST. The one you don't want shouldn't be there.

I Lost 2 full days of modding that I have been working on by following your not so genius Idea of deleting everything that is referenced to the master file that one would be trying to delete....


As well as the super not so genius advice to delete ALL references beginning with an ID starting with either 00 or xx that's not in ones own mod...

I was able to delete the master file but also lost perhaps 20 hours of work put into a simple companion NPC creation mod....It is a good idea but it's not considering what may be involved in other mods such as placement of NPC, cell or what not...I now have to rewrite all scripts for my NPC.....


Just wanted to warn people following this advice to not make the same noobie mistake I made and delete a bunch of stuff that I now have to rewrite.....

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  • 3 months later...


Ok,so Im trying to figure out how I can remove a master file from a plugin flle so It don't requires a master file.If anybody knows I would realy appreciate the help,Thanks.

I did this with 3 mods


Go to FOMM


Find a mod you want to remove the master from.


Right click.


Open in tesnip.


It will say mast click on it and press delete on your keyboard'


Also for it to work in fallout delete Data


Then click Edit


Then click masters.


Then click the ...


Then click fallout new vegas.esm


Then press okay.


Then go over to file save and over write the mod.


Open up the geck place it somewere and open up fallout new vegas and find it and play with it.



I just wanted to reply and say that this imple step by step explain helped me solve a similar problem. My Frequency WMEVE_Patch.esp was asking for EVE - FNV.esp when what I had was EVE - FNV - ALLDC.esp. So I used this same method to alter the .esp file and I was able to glide over that load error to the next one. So thank you, for your easy to understand ways.

Edited by Tilanol
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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Pretty sure I'm doing something wrong. So i open FO4edit and click on the mod esp and he fallout.esm. then run it so i can delete the masters of the mod. well because the mod has dependencies the mod doesn't show up on the left side, so how am i suppose to edit it if the mod is not showing up. It says [00:08] Background Loader: Fatal: <Exception: "Abduction.esp" requires master "DLCRobot.esm" to be loaded before it.> so how am I suppose to edit the mod?

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First of all, 'xEdit' is for use with multiple games. You rename the executable to match the game you are working with: i.e. FNVEdit. There is a file called "FalloutNV.Hardcoded.keep.this.with.the.exe.and.otherwise.ignore.it.I.really.mean.it.dat" which also needs to be in that same folder. (There are other similar files for each game. They can all be in that same folder.) Running it with the wrong name causes it to assume the wrong record structure and names of the plugins.


Second, read the "FNVEdit Training Manual". It is the authoritative advice and has been updated for both FO3 and FNV.


There is a "Clean Masters" "context menu command" that appears when you <right-click> on a specific plugin in FNVEdit. "Clean Masters" is the ONLY safe way to remove a master from a plugin. If it can't remove the master, then you have records in the plugin that depend upon that master. You have to either inject those records into another related plugin or delete them from your plugin until "Clean Masters" works.


Check for errors by right-clicking on each plugin, and selecting "check for errors" from the context menu that then appears.


If there are any remaining errors or dependencies (evidenced by a master you expected to be dropped still being present in the plugin's "File Header" record) you can use the script "List records referencing specific plugin.pas" on that plugin to list them in the log window so you can fix them.


That is a simplified overview. Read the manual.


-Dubious- [Edit: added "List records" script reference.]

Edited by dubiousintent
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