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Battlefield 3 Alpha


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anyone else get an email about this? im just curious if im special/lucky or if everyone is getting this.


kinda stinks actually, since my pc cant handle B3. the laptop i used to have woulda been able to handle it, barely, but the laptop im on now cant handle it period. ugh if only i was able to build my gaming PC :'(


so whether im lucky, or everyone is getting this, i cant join the B3 Alpha :(

Edited by hoofhearted4
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not gunna lie bro, thats a pretty pathetic excuse. you just gotta kill them first lol.


but it doesnt matter since i cant play the alpha anyways. i mean im buying the game for PS3 anyways so its not the end of the world, but it woulda been nice to see on a rig that can handle it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got a key, but it didn't work and EA was a total jerk to me when I asked for support for the matter... So I don't get to play the alpha :(.

I'm still buying the game, but I may just buy it used a couple of days after it comes out... Take that EA!

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