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New item ID code


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Quick question, how do you find out the ID Code for new items? Lets say for example I copy a sword with the Construction Set and then mess around with the copy, is there a way to find out what my new sword's ID Code is? I usually make a container and drop it some where to find later.
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Depend on the mod position, find the mod position in the load order, it's enough hovering the mouse over it in OBMM, the information appears as FormID: xx


that xx is a hex number (the actual mod formid) which is used when trying the additem console command, notice the item's formid is the same as you see in CS, just change the 01 for that xx and you should be fine.

Edited by nosisab
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Thanks, I tried that and I could not get it to work. OBMM said the FormID was 4A, the construction set gave me this number 01000ED3 (while the mouse was hovering over the name in the "Object Window"). I fired up Oblivion, hit "~", then typed player.additem 4A000ED3 1, Oblivion gave me this: Script 'SysWindowCompileAndRun', line 1: Item '4A000ED3" not found for parameter ObjectID. I might have misunderstood what you said.
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You got it right, what's the item you try to give to player?


make sure it is an item which can be put on the inventory and you are looking for it`s objectID (not a ref or something alike)


PS: as example, you can`t additem "that" sword you put inside a container, the correct ObjectID is the hidden FormID you need to drag to expose at the object window (between the "Editor ID" and "Count" tabs"

Edited by nosisab
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you can use the console, click on it in game and type "GetBaseObject" and it will give you the FormID. This only works if you have OBSE.


I found that FormID finder get's in the way sometimes. It's good for if you are testing something, but I would remove it when you actually start playing again.


Also the "old fashioned way" you are talking about is the way Nosisab described - simply look between the "Editor ID" and "Count" tabs to find the FormID tab. It doesn't quite work the same way for cloned items, but there are workarounds.

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Thanks for the information. Since I am a newbie when it comes to modding I just clone stuff. Thanks for the Form ID column info, I have never pulled it over to see what was between Editor ID and Count. I took a ring and enchanted it with Detect Life, another ring with Night Eye and Detect life, I added those to a container and dropped that into the starting jail cell. But it made me think that it would be cool to use the console to get my new toys. So the Form ID is telling the same thing as does holding your mouse over the Editor ID.
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Thanks for the information. Since I am a newbie when it comes to modding I just clone stuff. Thanks for the Form ID column info, I have never pulled it over to see what was between Editor ID and Count. I took a ring and enchanted it with Detect Life, another ring with Night Eye and Detect life, I added those to a container and dropped that into the starting jail cell. But it made me think that it would be cool to use the console to get my new toys. So the Form ID is telling the same thing as does holding your mouse over the Editor ID.


Since you are at it, you could create a simple quest which add the items when explicit called from console. The quest has a small script attached which just add the items and stop the quest afterward.


it has a single script with additem comands and a stopquest in the end


in scripts the additem can be done in the objectID name you gave to the item , for example:


 scn givemyitemsscript

Begin gamemode

   Player.additem myitem1 1
   Player.additem myitem2 1
  stopquest mygiveitemquest


once in game, open the console and type: startquest mygiveitemquest


it works always, whatever the load order.


Of course such quest has the "start game enabled" box not checked.

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