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The Snow Arena


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Looks at the wound in his righ hand laughing, then points the laser at MHM and makes a big hole in his right ear, then walks away unnoticed.
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unnoticed....funny word. I looked at Pushkatu in his eye. He didn't see trough my snow camo. Just a split second later i drove my dagger shaped snow ball (lol) trough his eye and completly ripped his brain....i left the scene saying: "that's gonna leave him a brain freeze.."
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I did not hear unavis last line cuz my ear was laying on the ground 12 feet away from me...

Anyway, as unavi was leaving i was able to make hard ice out of the snow just by spiting on it.

I threw my hard iceball at Unavi, but unfortunately i missed him and hit a big tree right beside him.

As he was looking back at me, a chimpanze fell to the ground and hit Unavi...

Now its a fact: Chimpanzees would win a fight against humans!

And i left the scene saying: "all good things come from above!" :biggrin:

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Shields up and teleports behind clockout1 and then punches him out from behind, yea i am that evil >:( . As you go unconscious you see clocks, more then 1. :biggrin:
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covered in snow and shimpanze fur i was laying face down for a few hours. In this time i realized what the meaning of life was...and this time it wasn't 42...but stuffing snow into everyone s thorat until they die.

My firsat victim was Thor. I aproched him slowly. He turned and saw me...but he couldn't react. He was scared...scared of that evil energy that was floating around me. As i shoved snow in his thorat i saw tears comming from his eyes...that was the last time i ever saw and felt human emotions...A NEW LORD OF SNOWY DARKNESS WAS BORN!

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Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


Scared you say, Calls my trained monkey Ninja to attack Unavi :ninja: , telepathically :verymad: :verymad: :verymad: :verymad: :verymad:


He's super intelligent, not your average monkey :thumbsup:


Shields up :whistling:

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