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The Snow Arena


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Surprised but jubilant at the assult launched from the Guardian Commander Hammasson surveys the remaining strength of the defenders on Mars. Much of the ground defense has been obliterated, though the massive Mars Cannon is still operational. Base defense has been reduced to several tanks armed with railguns and several companies of battle-weary Tau warriors. The situation on Mars is better than could have been hoped for, though the fierce Tau more than likely have something up their sleeves.


"So, they will attack us if we attack them, though they are seriously damaged now... I wish Mojlnir had authorized the use of the planet-busters, we could end this battle for sure if we had those...oh well..."


Commander Hammasson turned to the young surveillance tech that had just passed him a note.


"They're standing off at the rim of the system? I wonder what they're planning..."


"Sir, reports indicate that the ships are equipped with hyper drives, though they apparently have outdated in-system propulsion systems. We could be done here and long gone before they reach us."


"Any indication that they will try an in-system jump?" asked Hammasson.


"None, the planets, moons and asteroid belt make any such attempt pure suicide."

replied the tech.


"Excellent, then they are of little consequence to us. Open a line with the Tau command and instruct their commander that they have exactly 6 hours to surrender before I order the fleet to melt the surface of this God's forsaken planet into slag."


"Yes sir."


"Prepare the battlegroup for planetary assult. If these fools will not give up we will send a message to others who stand in our way. Resist and die."


The ships of the battlegroup began to reposition themselves for a planetary assult. The carriers, each with 10 battlecruisers deployed to the side of the formation while the 5 remaining cruisers created a diamond formation in front of the P-5 troop assult ships. The shields of the cruisers would give extra protection to the troop ships behind them as the massive railguns blasted a corridor to the planets surface. On board the carriers, the bombers were loaded with incendiary munitions as well as atomics...once the battle was joined, they would provide the answer to an age old question...


There would be no life on Mars.

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We do not wish war, but if attacked we will fight back. I say goodbye to you for we will probably not survive the next comming hours. You have chosen Death my friend.


:!: :!: :!: RAILGUN CHARGING :!: :!: :!:




Base alert, all warriors get your combat armor on and report immediately!

Air caste is to report in the Hangar Immediatly!

Tau'va! (For the greater good!)


As the sun is going under the Tau can see a massive explosion in the air, wonder what that was, shortly after the Mars Railgun gives it another round.

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"G**damn it!! Why was the shield down on the cruiser?! Give me a status report on the rest of ships!" screamed Commander Hammasson as the blast rocked his command ship.


"Sir! The shield was at full power! That railgun on the surface has the power to punch through our shields!" replied a panic voiced junior officer.


"Alright...everybody settle down...that gun takes a while to re..." Hammassons voice trailed off as another blast obliterated a P-5 transport ship that had been stationed behind the destroyed cruiser.


"Mother of God...Attention all ship commanders...evasive manuevers...Carriers redeploy to the opposite side of the planet... That railgun has about a 45 second recharge! Everyone on your toes...all power to the forward shield bank!"


Order slowly returned as the men, feeling more confident under the cool leadership of their commander, carried out the orders that had been given. It had been an expensive lesson, but well learned. Mojlnir's forces would not be making the same mistake in the future.


"Carriers...once you have redeployed I want every wing of bombers to hit those bases hard after the remaining air defenses have been glassed. Take them out. That cannon needs to be gone ASAP...make that and the command bunker priority targets...use tactical atomics."


Wiping a hand across his brow, Hammasson thinks briefly of the message Mojlnir had delivered before they left...bring me allies or skulls.


"Assult group...reform the 4 remaining cruisers with frontal shields at full power...I want the cruisers to plow straight in and execute Directive R. Troopships...After the cruisers are done I want every Marine you have on the ground in 15...sweep the base clean...Leave nothing alive!!!"

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*In the vastness of space he floats, time does not concern him. Each generation of people comes and goes like seconds on a clock. In this eternal darkness and airless vacuum he drifts, unconcerned by the wars and struggles of Man. He turns his gaze towards a small, medium sized star near the edge of a particular galaxy. It's history passes before his eyes in a matter of minutes, Empires rize and fall. Planets destroyed, only to be recreated and then destroyed again.


*He finds that he has grown cold, and that the vacuum of space no longer comforts him. Thus he seeks warmth in a nearby Proto-Star. Upon entering his body burns away and all that remains is his Spirit. Years turn to seconds and Centuries to minutes; as he absorbs the energy of the star and the enormous nuclear reactions that drive the celestial furnace, he speeds up the Star's life-cycle. 10,000 years pass and the star is now nearing the end of it's Main-Sequence cycle. Still, he remains, warming his Soul for the long travel to...it matters not for now.


*5,000 years pass, and the star is now a Red-Supergiant. He awakes from his long rest, and absorbs the last of the great furnace. The Red Giant collapses in on itself and then goes into a Supernova, annihliating it's own system; a complete 8 to 10 billion year life-cycle completed in 15,000 years. Now, warm and fully awake, his presence draws matter to his Spirit and he is reborn again. All what remains of the star is an ultra dense object, also know as a black hole.


He floats through the void, and time does not concern him.

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Shas'Vre J'kaara reported to Ethereal Ëlwe and started to speak:"My lord, the cruisers have exited the vision of our railguns but where still able to fire a total of 6 shots. To prepare invasion we have set the half of our men to stand-by and the rest on guard. our 20 Baracuda fighters are set stand-by also. Earth caste is busy to make baricades all through the base and are testing base shielding as we speak.

..... *cof cof* ....... I must say we do not stand much of a chance my lord, should I let the Manta transport (ship wich is able to carry more than 100 warriors, on the edge of cruiser and fighter) be prepared for escape?"


"No" replied the Ethereal with a calm face.


"Why not?" asked the officer "This is pure suicide".


"We shall do it for the empire, for glory and the Tau'va*, we must not let Mont'au** strike our civalation again" said the Ethereal.


"So be it, we will fight with all our strength, Tau'va!!!" repied the officer.


*The greater good, a thing wich Tau learn to strive for from early age.

**The terror, once there was war amongst all the Tau. At a day the Ethereals arrived and unfied the entire Tau race, this is why Ethereal caste is concidered superior above all others.

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Suddenly, and out of nowhere MyDogsTale's armada appeared...He had uncloacked.

MyDogsTale formed himself into the form of a human, and sat down on his throne, the Leader of the Titanns then approched him:

-The fleet is ready to fire! Shall we use all troops? I think we should...


-YOU DON'T GET TO THINK! YOU DO AS YOU ARE TOLD!!! NOW: deploy 2500 Black warriors to defend Ëlwe's base, but them under HIS command!He happends to be a brilliant strategist.

Then launch lauch one third of the tourmented souls against his fleet, wait for thirty minutes and then board him...UNDERSTOOD?


The Titan took a step back...


-y-y-yes sir, Hounor guide us!


MyDogsTale then formed himself inside the mind of the senior officer in charge of deployments on mars:


"Ohhh! foolish little mortal...whatever would happen to you if the commander loses this battle?hmmm? I think you should be in charge, don't you think hmmm? The Commander is a moron compared to you. C'mon, take charge! The crew will support you"


Seconds after the senior officer came walking onto the bridge where Commander Hammasson stood and watched the alien fleet that had hust appeared...


-Commander, im taking command!


-What? Are you insane? We are in the middle of deployment! GET BACK TO YOUR STATION!!!


-SIR, sit down or i will have you moved...please, sit with some dignety.


-Very well, the battle now lays on your shoulders.


The senior officer, suddenly saw a storm of black balls flying against them...


-SNOWBALLS? Is that all? IS THAT ALL THEY HAVE TO OFF.........eerrrrr, *sigh*


At the moment of impact the souls contained inside the frozen balls were released...as they flew trough the bodies of the crew they took their souls as well, without a soul no beeing can live.


Half of the fleet crew died during the nightmare that followed, and when it was finally quiet...MyDogsTale's boarding operation began...New screams followed as the soliders were shot and hacked to pieces...But on thing could'nt be stopped: the troops that the commander had ordered down to mars. One battle was won for MyDogsTale...one remained on Mars.


But since the Commander (now the only living person from the attack on the fleet) was clapped in magic chains...were his soldiers nothing more than a chicken without a head?


MyDogsTale's Warriors had now reached Ëlwe's base, they had killed more men than they had lost on the way to his base, but now they stood before him:

-We await your orders!

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ooc - MyDogsTale, do NOT do that again. You took complete control of my fleet and then gave me no chance to respond. That's crap and if its the way you want to play then fine, but don't do that again.



Mojlnir's Fleet Base


While monitoring the course of negotiations and the opening shots of the battle around Mars, Mojlnir detected the presence of an inferior otherworldly being growing closer to the scene of the battle.


Consulting with his best scientists, they determined the critical mass required to completely collapse the planet and create a gravitational field from which nothing, including souls, could escape. In essence they planned to create an ultra-small, ultra dense blackhole that would consume and crush everything in its vicinity. When the calculations were double-checked and then double-checked again, the atomic bombs were loaded onto a carrier that had been converted to this specific purpose.


The carrier, along with 25 c4v-17 anti-planetary ships jumped to Mars nearspace, appearing on the backside of Mars, away from MyDogsTale's fleet as they continue the devestation of the decoy battlegroup.


The commander of the covert strike team contacts Mojlnir:


"They took the bait, MyDogsTales entire armada is within range...God it looks awful over there.."


"Hammasson did his duty well, Commander...I expect the same from you. Teach those clowns a lesson that they will not forget, in this life or any other. Mojlnir out."


As the transmission ended, the strike group commander gave the orders to execute the attack run. Too slowly, MyDogsTale and his Titan realized they were not alone in the nearspace surrounding Mars, but by then it was too late to to do anything but watch in horror as a scene that had not been seen in the Universe for ages was acted out again, though with a vicious twist.


The 24 c3v-17's formed a into a pyramid with the heavily loaded carrier at the center, once in formation they accelerated at full speed towards the surface of Mars. About 5 seconds before impact all 25 ships activated their anti-crustal lasers and all 26 ships disappeared into the roiling maelstrom that had appeared.


Agonizing seconds passed, though it felt like an eternity. MyDogsTale, with sudden clarity, knew that he had committed a fatal tactical error. His entire armada was in one localized area, and that area was about to be destroyed. Before he could act, Mars seemed to bulge and collapse in upon itself. Then its vaporized in blinding explosion 100 times brighter than the sun. The heat and force of the explosion rent the space around the now destroyed planet, shattering everything in its path. MyDogsTale's entire fleet died before it knew there was something amiss. Elwe's Tau warriors died in an instant as well, consumed in the terrible vengence of Mojlnir.


The critical mass estimates made by Mojlnir proved to be too high and resulting explosion was more powerful than anticipated. The moons of Mars vaporized as did the two neighboring planets, Earth and Jupiter. The explosion was replaced with crushingly strong gravity, and MyDogsTale and his army of souls tried to flee into the Other Realm only to find that the new black hole had ripped through both planes and the same fate awaited them there as well. The souls were crushed into oblivion by the force of the black holes gravity and though MyDogsTale was not crushed into oblivion what was left of his essence, now completely consumed by insanity, was pulled into an abyss from which it could never escape.


From his command center, Mojlnir watched the horror with grim satisfaction. He now knew that he possessed a weapon against which few could stand. He was going to enjoy watching the terror driven tactics of those who tried to stand against him. The message was shockingly and horrifyingly clear: stand in our way and you will be completely eradicated.


Chuckling to himself, Mojlnir sipped a cup of tea and watched the new horror he had created in the distant star system.


"Hehe...how do you those apples?" he said to noone in particular.

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Day 19



Ethereal Ëlwe is now trapped on the incredibly toxic world of Mercury for 2 days now, not daring to exit the Badly damaged Manta ship. It will be only 3 days until arival of the promised reënforcements. The 79 Tau fire warriors, 6 Earth caste and Ethereal Ëlwe had left the planet a day before it was obliterated sensing an assault. Though something totaly different, the planet exploded, this was a terrible shock to all. But sad enough the Ethereal had other problems, the toxins where damaging the hull of the ship but also protected the ship to be detected by any systems.

A few drones have been equiped with repairing tools and are being expected the next day, or rather expected not to come back at all with al the toxins outside.



Day 20



The drones have been able to return today, it is a miracle for they have been heavyly corroded in only a few hours. Shield is once again active but almost takes away all power to fend itself against the toxins, by doing this it is cold and CR-eco system (air generator) has to run verry low. Luckyly the cold makes the bodys need less air than usually.



Day 21



We have decided to leave this bloody planet, it's consuming all our recources. Our destination is Earth and to settle there with intention to be picked up by the main force. Death is nearer upon us as ever before...


Ethereal Ëlwe

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ooc - Sorry about that Mojlnir, seems that i haven't gotten the rules/general behavior straight :( .

And looking at the post now i realise that it was unfair... but you have responded in the same way, seems fair enough, considering my post :blush: .

So, im oblitterated eh? or is this just a new beginning :halloween: ??? (we could consider the two previous post's to be stupid and destructive to the game *i take blame, i started* or do we continue in the manner of fashion? i leave this up to the other partisipants.

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occ- Hey, MyDogsTale don't worry about it...I kinda cheated I my response though I really like the way the post turned out. :D So, how about you manage to escape the black hole and we can continue posting like we did. :blush:

Didn't mean to totally obliterate you like that, I was a little peeved at losing my whole fleet. So, arise from the dead and return!!!

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