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The Snow Arena


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MyDogsTale was infuriated, but still he kept his manner...


-I beg to differ dear sir... We don't use spies...we think of it as unapropriate and rude, in a culture such as mine a spy is a coward, the same goes for the man that issues them.

I merly have the ability to sence certain things. I can also enter peoples minds, allthough it weakens me so much that i cannot walk for several days...

If you had studied such arts as me, then this ability would be open to you as well.


No Pack Rat, I don't want you as my enemy...rather a neutral friend.

Now i must leave, for that im sorry, i have an obligation for my people, sometimes they need to see their leader so that they know that all is well...i hope you understand...If you want another meeting, then please call for me.


MyDogsTale exited and boarded his fighter, took of and went for his fleet

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Mojlnir sat shivering with barely contained rage, such emotion had not gripped him since he stormed Peregrine's command bridge all those years ago and confronted him face to face. Such anger as had not happened since he watched his forces cut down one by one...


Seething, he watched MyDogsTale give he speech, and he nearly lept from his chair and throttled the life from his limbs when he was called a chess piece... What did this fool know? The men assembled here knew him and what he was capable of, and what he stood for. The "power" that MyDog thought he had equated to absolutely nothing... Only the Peregrinists understood the true power the Mojlnir possessed...they had witnessed it first hand.


Pausing to regain his composure after MyDogsTale left, Mojlnir rose and addressed those remaining:


"It pains me to admit that I am not merciful when dealing with my enemies...I learned as a boy long ago that no man is ever beaten if left standing on his own two legs...ever will he seek to deal you a like blow. And therefore, when I act, it is decisive. You know that about me. I have long since proven my abilities and the power that I command. I desire no conquest, for I have territory sufficient for my needs, nor do I have people to whom I am beholden. I fight for honor and justice, and in this cause I have stood beside Aleksei and his people for centuries. I am prepared to stand next to the Peregrinists as well, my score with the bird is long since settled, and I paid dearly for my revenge."


Mojlnir eyed the everyone in the room with eyes that had seen friends die and entire planets reduced to dust, eyes that bore centuries of pain but still shone with the hope of peace.


"These artifacts must be uncovered and destroyed. That cause is just and to it I pledge my support. However, I will not deal with thieves, murders and tinpot dictators bent on conquest. MyDogsTale has begun a fued of honor with me, he has impuned my name and called me a pawn. Such disrespect cannot be ignored."


With that Mojlnir returned to his seat.

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Aleksei seems to be looking rather amused from his chair. Altough the comment that the Peregrinist officer had given had made him open his eyes. Times have passed, century's had flown away. Much has changed or did some things not change. 600 years is a long time and Aleksei decided to be very carefull who to trust...


Some things could have changed, or didnt... Should he trust the Peregrinist Cult? Has Moljnir kept true to his word? And why would MyDogsTale come up with the proposition of an alliance? Are MyDogsTale's words just story's or even worse, would the Peregrinist officer be right? Would there be a traitor among them?


While the three sides were arguing, Aleksei kept an eye on Elwe, who had not said a thing during the entire negotiations.

Aleksei decided to keep his minds to himself but he was sure of one thing. The naive Red Nation that once trusted people far to easy is now gone, today they would be more carefull who to trust, who to believe.

Altough he was certain about one thing, a man who hides his face will never be trusted, he thought while looking after teh departing MyDogsTale.


As things were going not the way as he was hoping for he rose up from his chair.


<Enough! This is not a court nor a place to thrown accusations to one another. We are here to end the hostility's and come to a cease-fire in the Earth-system!>

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MyDogsTale docked at his main vessel "Mjölner"...he sat down upon his trone and started broadcasting a message to his kingdom.

After a few minutes it appeared that all was not well, on his home planet "cal'carod" the society was a mess after a failed military-coop by one of his generals.

Rebel forces had strted a siege on one of the smaller cities and many power sources were knocked out.


-Set course for Cal'Carod, we have many things to clear up...we march for war on our own planets.

Make the warrors ready, there are reports of over 50.000 rebel forces.

Then send a message to Ëlwe that i urge him to give me a report of the Pack Rat meetings.

Leave 2 cruisers in this system for observation purposes only, orders are not to fire until fired upon.


With that said, the armada set course for their home planet...

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After a while Ëlwe starts to speak "I have heard all your story's now, I actually do not care for these Artifacts about wich you speak. I have concluded this Solar system has verry intense people around, maybe all here for a good purpose but I have seen enough here, i't is not worth it. You shall no longer see the Tau in this Solar system, we will be returning to our systems and you shall never hear about us again".


Ëlwe walked out the room and left with the transport ship. Lots of ships have been reported to leave Earth and the Space stations around Venus also left the system. It appears the Tau really left.

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Vatican City, approximately 2 days ago


Armiena received word of Captain Laurela's expedition. All life on Mars had been totally obliterated, as though nothing was there. Sensors had detected usage of a strange new weapon, unlike the EMP cannon and anti-snow warheads. This weapon had likely destroyed Mars.


The sensors also detected hyperspace entries, which ended at a distant point in space. A recon ship passing through the region had detected hyperspace anomalies, but not for long enough to be identified and investigated.


She sends orders to Laurela to follow the hyperspace course, and drop out a safe distance from its end, and monitor any activity in the area. Two hours later, Laurela's fleet disappears into hyperspace, unaware of the party she's about to crash.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Some idiot kid bursts into the meeting room, shouting battle cries and such. He dashes about madly throwing snowballs around the room, missing everybody, and still screaming his lungs out.


After a few moments of people staring at the insanity of it all, the kid, probably 11 or so, jumps up and down on the table like a monkey screaming "Ista-gobba-whatsa!!" and explodes in a white flash, leaving a remainder of tiny drifting snowflakes that dance and bob in the light... An absolutely pointless.. er.. death, if you want to call it that.


A Small note sits on the table when the snow settles. It reads:


:bleh: :bleh: :bleh: :D We're coming for you!!!! Ista-gobba-whatsa!! :D :bleh: :bleh: :bleh:

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A fleet of banana shapped ships drops out of orbit near the fleets bearing the mark of the infamous Banana Nana Evil Monkey Brigade.


The ships manuever to form the shape of an I...then makes the shape of a heart...then in the shape of U.


Over the open communication frequency Nana Monkey Supreme Mother Goddess chatters in 1337ish, "NANANANANNANANANANANNANA!!!!!!!!!OOOOHHHHOOOOOOHHHHHHOOOOOOOHHHHAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!"


The ships' hulls start to peel back, as would be expected by a banana, revealing colossal missles aimed at God.

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  • 1 month later...

MyDogsTale arrived at his home planet, the minute he exited his vessel he was face to face with a bunch of snowball throwing kids...they aimed and they fired...ho was to blame for the rebellion at his planet? why was he hated? could it be that an unknowned enemy was inciting the revolt?

it was all uncertain, he could trust no one..but himself and his powers...







MyDogsTale - trying to revive the fight :)

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