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The Snow Arena


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Time and Space are strange things indeed and Has-Big-Axe the Argonian finds himself suddenly floating in Space, completely ignorant of the history of the Universe he had just been dumped in by these strange and unfathomable forces. Somehow able to survive in Space, he watches as a perfectly formed snowball appears infront of his eyes, another experienced inter-dimensional traveller no doubt. Well, he will soon end that. He picks up the snowball and looks around him for a target to throw it at. He begins to realise that he seems to be in the middle of some huge space battle between fleets of cool futuristic battleships...and some banana-shaped ones...


He hurls the snowball at the nearest battleship and he watches as its huge point defences destroy the snowball before it hits the battleship.

'Gosh' thinks he thinks, 'Aren't these people humourless? Nowhere near as great as that other Universe with the....' but before he can finish his ramblings, the unpredictable forces of Time and Space bring to him a snowball so large that he feels himself pulled to it by its gravity. It also brings to him a machine from the distant future, used to throw gigantic snowballs. He seats himself on the machine and picks up the snowball. Aiming again at the battleship nearest to him. This time, the battleship's point defences merely melt tiny pocks onto the surface of the collossal snowball. It hits the battleship and the battleship explodes in a shower of ice and snow-covered escape pods.


"Whoops" says the argonian...his thought processes move a bit further on and

"*censored*" says the argonian...another few seconds of pondering bring him to the conclusion of

"OH S***!!!!" as several battleships' turrets turn towards him and open fire.


But somehow Time and Space are always kind to him and he suddenly finds himself sitting in a metal corridor, probably on board one of the battleships.

'I hope i'm not on one of those stupid banana-shaped things..."

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  • 2 weeks later...
Élsúch walks/flies/teleports himself/ ride's a pony, whetever works in space, up to the "nearest battleship", the exact one that Has-Big-Axe happened to end up inside(I'm sorry, but it was one of those banana shaped things) and open's his console to type the following line:cheat=Bringmethisitem:Daedric_Mp40_unlimited_ammo_included_?_Yes_please. When he get's his über daedric Mp40 with unlimited ammo included, he kicks the door to the banana ship open and scream "Hasta la Pasta, Bebbe!", only to realize that he kicked open the door to the spaceship's garbage room(a room where spacepeople throw their garbage) and get's killed by the extreme forces of über gravity and it's +4 catsup(that's right, catsup). Most fortunatly, a Blessed Cow of über speed comes to his rescue with it's +4 revive spell.
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The mystical forces, bridging the void in space bring a voice to Has-Big-Axe. Has-Big-Axe, finding his way to around the deck that he is on briefly notices the pink flying shape of a Blessed Cow of Uber Speed whizz past him. Himself having depended upon these divine creatures several times in the past, waves to it as it flies past and blows a kiss. The mystical words of "Get a life" appear suddenly in his mind and he feels the blow of a divine slap. Because of the slap's divine nature, it was forceful enough to send Has-Big-Axe flying sideways and into...wait, no...through a wall. Having recovered his senses after several minutes of lying dazed, he notices that the walls are made from soft banana flesh. Realising that he hasn't eaten for days, he takes a bite from the wall that he was just hurled through.

'Hmmm, tasty' he thought, 'better than those silly bananas in that Universe of...'

His thoughts were interrupted by a sudden huge explosion.

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It turns out that the Blessed cow of Über speed exploded, since it got stuffed with snowballs, shoved in by Time and Space, and since it exploded in a cloud of snowballs that obviously didn't melt inside the cow, it couldn't revive itself, so Élsúch simply picked up one of the snowballs and let it fly against the nearest banana ship(omg, those things are ugly), as he watches the snowball fly through both Time and Space, he gets run over by one of the cool starships and faints.


Btw, MyDogsTale, isn't Mjölner Thor's hammer? Maybe it was Oden's.. nah Thor's it was.

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ooc- Mjolnir was indeed Thor's Hammer, and that is the reason that I chose it..though sadly I realize in this instance I have misspelled it. I once asked the powers that be to have mercy upon me and allow me to correct the spelling, but alas, it was not to be...



Having tired of the uber-boring negotiations that ended months ago because everyone else got bored, Mojlnir decides that he will enjoy the Universe by tear-assing around it in his new, and very shiny, "Teh 00ltra 5h1p of 1337n355"...which is British racing green with black stripes and in no way resembles a banana.


With the ship on improbablity drive auto-pilot, Mojlnir reclines in his comfortable but shoddily constructed Ikea chair and watches reruns of Adult Swim. Having just caught the "Vacation" episode of SL 2021, he sincerely hopes that ATHF will follow with "Love Mummy" or "Remonster."


Popcorn in hand and cold brewskies nearby, Mojlnir reclines in comfort as the ship whips him around every point in the Universe at once. Suddenly, the ships AI chimes over the intercom...


"We have picked up a passenger in the neighborhood of some oddly shaped vessels...he appears to resmeble a slightly over-weight moose..."


Mojlnir shrugs and continues watching the idiot box....

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A bowl of petunias appears quite unexpectedly in front of everybody at the same time. It turns instantly into a tribe of chattering apes and then disappears.


Clearly someone has the gun of total randomness. It is a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands.


But the owner is in a deep sleep and will not be woken for weeks.


Strange but true!

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OOC: I'm actually RPing an Argonian...




Swiftly asphyxiating in the vacuum of space, the Argonian suddenly finds himself in yet another metal-lined corridor. "Oh, i'm getting sick of these corridors now" Before his thought had time to come to a rational conclusion, he was interrupted by an extremly bored looking robot,

"Hi, I'm Marvin" it said, "I rescued you because i had nothing to do, could you please kill me now?"

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OCC: Argonians don't look like meese? ^_^




Mojlnir contacts Marvin and orders him to alert the Argonian with the funny name to there are beer and chips to be had in the living room and that if he should care to partake he need only follow that depressingly depressed robot.


Oh, also, that he should not mind the penguins nor the fact that any ocean currently appearing is standing still while the land moves like waves.


That done, Mojlnir puts his feet back on the table and returns to watching cartoons. He also silently prays to whatever powers might exist that Marvin suddenly become non-operational or that he at the very least be permanently turned into a pot of petunias.

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