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The Snow Arena


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The mysterious forces, unable to grant that wish, give him a small consolation. Has-Big-Axe the Argonian - OOC: who looks nothing like a moose!!!! - suddenly appears a by his side.

"Hi" he says before rushing straight at the beer and crisps and gorging himself on it. As a disembodied with at least some decency and manners, i will spare you the gruesome details of how several pounds of crisps and many gallons of beer were consumed by a shortish and slight of figure Argonian in a matter of seconds.


EDIT: OOC: Oh and btw, the plural of moose is moose...not meese (ha, don't be silly)

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OCC: The plural of goose is geese and I think that the plural of moose should also be meese. On the whole I find the English language to be cumbersome and rather dull. I move that we switch to a system of grunts and screetching something akin to monkeys. And moving back into the trees would not be such a bad idea either...





"Welcome, Argonian...you don't look like a moose!!" said Mojlnir to the gorging non-moose.


"I see that you find both the beverages and the snacks to be acceptable. Care to stay around for the BBQ? After that I rather thought I would do some more tear-assing around the Uni if you care to join?" mentioned Mojlnir.


Seeing that little answer would be forthcoming until the Argonian (not a moose) finished noshing, Mojlnir (deciding that discretion is the better part of valor) brings more munchies from the galley and sits down to watch the little guy pound chips down.

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OOC: Yes yes yes, let's all take the mick out of the English language until we have to use it for something useful...not that anyone ever does...




The Argonian suddenly stopped munching on the food. "My name's Has-Big-Axe? What's yours? Take your time to reply if you want" Saying that, he immediately returns to the beer and crisps, almost biting Mojlnir's hand - but just preventing himself from doing so - as Mojlnir brought more crisps. The Argonian had by now accelerated his eating to such a speed that his armour (OOC: yes daedric stuff, look at the RP place to find out what other stuff i happen to carrying) was visibly bulging and increasing in size.

Suddenly and without warning, the supply of food and beer ran out. Has-Big-Axe screamed,


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Elwe comes up with a fascinating idea, true bloodshed shal once again rule the universe and not this pitiful joking.

Elwe positions outposts through the entire universe wich give a sort but intense ion beam in every direction where A cheat console is being conjured up and at every weak gun. Forth with the bigger guns people!!!


This is a test, if there are many objections these droids shall be removed from space, 3 is the least number of ppl objecting.


Or you have to find a way to blow the crap out of elwe or the outposts so that your foolish and impotent wandering can continue.



*that idiot argorion gets severel zaps for messin with nature* (zap zap zap)


*those babanana ships get shocks for being stupid* (zap zap)

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"Large ion cannon blasters have been placed at various locations throughout the universe is an attempt to slow our wandering commander" reported the shipboard AI in Mojlnir's ear piece.


"Hmmm..." mused Mojlnir as his Argonian guest danced about oddly, looking suspiciously like someone being shocked.


Picking up his beer (which he was careful to hide from the ravenous Argonian) Mojlnir ambled to the command deck and checked the sub-ether pludar, which confirmed the sometimes errant AI's report.


"Elwe appears to have forgotten that with an improbability drive, my ship is everywhere in the universe at the same time, but conversely nowhere. So, if I time it just right and shut off the improbability drive..." muttered Mojlnir to himself as he checked coordinates and disengaged the drive.


Elwe, who happened to be minding his own business reading the daily in the toilet, was rather startled when the rest of his bathroom, and his entire command post, disappeared and he found himself face to face with the nose of Mojlnir's spacecraft...from which protruded a rather large and slightly illegal looking proton de-atomizing snow cannon.


"That should do the trick!" quipped Mojlnir with a self-satisfied grin as he observed the confused and somewhat shocked look on Elwe's face.


"*censored*..." gulped Elwe.

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Has-Big-Axe's mysteriously cruel but nevertheless helpful and useful allies, Time and Space observed the hurting of their Argonian plaything from the nothingness in which they resided. Allowing the strangest things to happen to their plaything also involved protecting him from getting hurt or killed. This time around, this involved million upon millions of explosive snowballs.

They suddenly and without warning hurtled through Space and destroyed the pathetically weakly built ion thingys - Time and Space are entities beyond mere technology so they do not care to understand it. The snowballs also surrounded the red, gooey mess left behind by the death of Elwe and encased it in ice so that his remains will drift through space for the rest of Time's life and serve as a warning for hurting the playthings of Dimensions.


Has-Big-Axe meanwhile, safe from the ion thingys -he's Argonian, lizards aren't known for their amazing grasp of technology- looked for more food and beer.

"We've run out!" he said, slightly irritated

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Time and Space were obviously giving there favourite Argonian plaything no respite and a huge yellow conjured snowball hit him full force in the side of the face.


"OW!" he said, "Whoever threw that is going to get one right back at them!"

With that, he scooped up a large ball of the suddenly appearing snow infront of him and liquidly went to the toilet on it.

"Right then, who threw that?"

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