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The Snow Arena


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Ouch. olohuvoP is stuck in the ice cube! He thinks he's really cool now.


olohuvoP was about to TCL out of the ice cube, when the ground started shaking. Which is weird, because it's made of snow. Behind him, there was something. It's big. It's dangerous. It's from hell. It's a bird. It's....


Peregrine's long lost cousin :ohmy:


olohuvoP starts sweating and the ice cube melts. olohuvoP runs. After throwing a snowball in SkoomaCat's face, of course.

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The Vulture comes and lands in the snow arena, accidently squishing the fly, he then makes a snowball and flies high in the sky with it, and disapears .
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From deep in the frozen over hell, a voice yells, "Keep the noise down please, I'm nursing the great grandaddy of all hangovers."


Whilst the voice does not give a name, the identity can probably be guessed.

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>:( grrr my plan has been foyeld once again. Then Moloch (my character in oblivion) appears from the mist and fires a snowball at the vulture.

The vulture swiftly dodges the snowball, and does a dive , releasing the snowball in claws in the perfect position. the snowball hits Moloch right in the face, clearing him off his feet.


p.s FYI Moloch is also a character in Mortal Kombat

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Yeah like mortal kombat my character is a gimp but we havnt come here to chat but to battle! After recovering from the blow he picks up a boulder (a big ass one as well) and throws it at vulture and crushes him. And laughs under his breath. :happy:
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Abu (Corpral Matthew Caine, whatever) likes this Arena. He takes off in his (yeah, I'm combining stuff, so what?) Dwarven Destroyer, leaves the atmosphere, and fires his huge Dark Matter Cannon. It sucks the planet into a black hole, and implodes everything on the planet, including the planet itself. He fires some uranium slugs from his Rail Cannons into the black hole, which whipes out the universe. However, Abu forms his own universe, and travels to the ruined arena to destroy more.


Abu is flying down in his destroyer, and crushes the remaining flies. He vaporizes The Vulture with his Rail gun, and then Malchik. Abu pulls out his Dark Matter Gun, and shoots it. It splatters Big-Bird everywhere, and then olohuvo. Abramul, still looking in amazement at PolohuvoP's insides being everywhere outside, gets ripped to pieces by Abu's Nail Gun. Khajiits march in, claiming the land as their own and escorting all survivors to the Purification center where they are turned in to Khatines (Khajiit marines). All the insides are fed to the slave dogs.

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Unfortunately Abu accidentally trips the reverse time chronometric neural psychophysiosocioomgocalibrated snow plough of anti-uberism and, as everything reverts to what it was, is turned into slush kitties.


No one else realises that anything happened.

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Abu reforms his army of cats, gets rid of anything that can reverse time, and repeats his wrath on everyone. Mu ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... (or "Mu ha ha..." for shortness).


He also blows up Canada, England, Wales, and France. He then blows up his time machine, locking the present situation in place (for no accidents). He storms the universe, and recruits all sorts of mercenaries, battlemages, warriors, and spellswords into his army. He converts them into Khatines, and forms his Elites. He sends his Elites to storm the planet, and to kill all the defenders that are left. All the dog prisoners are strapped to bombs and dropped on the planet's master defense center. He obliviates the leader of the Snow Arena, and changes the weather to tropical. His army is recalled back to his armada of battle ships, destroyers, and flag ships, and it is there that Abu vaporizes the planet with his Dark Matter Cannon. No one can stop him now! Repeat the long mu ha ha...!

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