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The Snow Arena


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Fortunately the straightjacket contains him.


"What a pity one so young should have lost his mind like that," says Doctor Costmore.


Meanwhile, Abu the cat sits on the straight jacket as it's nice and warm.

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Fortunately the straightjacket contains him.


"What a pity one so young should have lost his mind like that," says Doctor Costmore.


Meanwhile, Abu the cat sits on the straight jacket as it's nice and warm.






"A ha! It's an inside job!" Abu yells. "I never gave my full name to anyone!"


Abu the Cat rips himself from the straight jacket, and rips Dr. Costmore's testicles off.


"Punishment divine! No one stops the almighty Abu!" Abu yells triumphently as Dr. Costmore is rolling on the ground, screaming in pain.


Abu shoots Costmore's head off. He shoots his mind control laser on everyone in the universe. No one can stop Abu, becuase his mind control device cannot be destroyed, and if it's deactive, the mind control will still work.


His ever obidient army teleports to the home of Malchik, and holds his boy friend up for ransom. Malchik pays the ransom, but gets his gay partner blown to Oblivion. He gets sent there to, and Khagruht the Dremora, ever so obedient to his master, Mehrunes Dagon, who's master is Abu the Cat (also known as abu0the1cat3, abu0the1cat3/cryocry, or cryocry) cuts off Malchik's head. Before Malchik died, he shed some tears at the sight of his boy friend's mutilated body.


Meanwhile, Abu prepares for an attack on the dimention of Spot the Dog. Abu also makes his cats, Abu, Marlo, and Lucy, generals, and gives them their own battle ships.


"Cats will rule the universes!" Abu yells triumphently.

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then, hearing of his sons The Great Vulture of Outworld confronts Abu, he vaporises him with his eyes, then eats him, to make sure this doesnt happen again anywhere else, The Great Vulture travels to all 231294763424826472 universes and repeats the process on all Abus, Abu the Cat is obliterated, and erased from time. The Great Vulture then returns to the Snow arena, making it once flourish with the mysterious white powder (snow, not ) He builds a massive snow fortress and 23410 snowballs, and is ready for a fight.
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No one can defeat Abu! However, Abu wonders if The Vulture would like to join his army. Anyway:


Abu the Cat is reformed. He cannot be destroyed! He is a god among mortals! He readies his army, and takes back all of his territory. He drafts some Dremoras in his Khatine army, and takes back the Snow Arena. He adds the tropical weather back, melting all of The Vulture's snow balls and snow fort. He awaits The Vulture's response to his offer (he assumes that The Vulture resurrected himself, due to him being dead a while ago)...

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The Vulture stares Abu in the eyes, he sees a great leader behind the psychotic cat. He decides to join, but on one condition, that Canada be left alone (The Vulture rebuilt Canada for his personal Vulture army) he then puts on sun tan lotion, and lies down beside a palm tree, keeping an eye out for enemies.
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Abu puts up a shield around Canada which nothing can get through. He arms the island with air defense cannons manned by his toughest Khatines. He sets up a base, and lands his fleet on the planet. He sets up a shield around the planet that will vaporize any enemies (the cannons are for extra defense, and they can shoot out in space). He sees a Dog Battle Ship coming, and obliviates it with his defense cannons. He also establishes air run ways for the Vulture army and his Cat Air Force. He also establishes naval bases on the planet with submarines, hover battleships, and hover destroyers. He must prepare for an invasion, even though it seems peaceful.
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The Vulture, sends AstroVultures to Mars, and sets up a "Laser" base. The Vulture then marches with his army and exterminates The Vulture's worst enemy, The Chicken. then waits for a battle with his force so large he lost count of its number many uears ago, until the inevitable battle, he meditates in front of the Temple of The Great Vulture, God of the Vultures
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SkoomaCat flips the master control from SNOW to POWDERED MOON SUGAR.






Abu, realizing that he shouldn't have targeted his Rail gun at Abramul, but at SkoomaCat, blows SkoomaCat to Oblivion, where the Dremoras decapitate him. Abu turns the weather back to a tropical theme. He fires a plasma blast from one of his cannons at SkoomaCat's dimention. The blast obliterates his only cat enemy. Abu then sends some of his CAF out to Mars to help The Vulture. He then confers with his generals about the plan of action against the Dog army. They resolve to send an invasion force to wipe out the remaining dogs. However, the battle will never end. The Dogs mutilate Khatines to make themselves. He sends out some battle ships and destroyers to fight with the dogs, drafting and training more Elite Khatines to defend his stronghold.

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