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The Snow Arena


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As Abu dreams on contentedly, asleep on the straightjacket, the other characters of his dream behave weirdly. Meanwhile he does not wake when lifted into a cat basket for a trip to the vet for a cat flu vaccination.
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Moloch makes a giant snowman and using his rune magic he summons a daedric spirit to command it. The Daedric Snowman throws a snowbal spell at Malchik and freezes him for a short while.
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Moloch makes a giant snowman and using his rune magic he summons a daedric spirit to command it. The Daedric Snowman throws a snowbal spell at Malchik and freezes him for a short while.


The Vulture attacks Moloch taking him out with a barrage of snowballs. as Moloch tries to escape The Vulture gets out a frostbite gun, and freezes his legs, Moloch is completely unable to move his legs.

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SkoomaCat summons Malacath (known to the Orsimer as Malauch) to destroy the pretender. However, he commends "Moloch" for using 'Daedric' instead of the plural 'Daedra'.

Seeing how Abramul started summoning one of the daedric daedra, Olohuvop casts a spell of his favourite daedric lord: Flaming dog rain! This unfortunately melted all the snow around him, leaving him unarmed and unprotected. o_O

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Abu doesn't get distracted by Malchick's spell (get it?). He also wonders how Malchik was brought back to life. Was it out of anger for the loss of his boy friend? He brings Malchik's boy friend back to life out of mercy, and vaporizes Malchik with his Rail Gun. He tells Abramul to click on the link below before he vaporizes him with his Rail Gun. He vaporizes all of his enemies who are on his planet. Abu, seeing as his no-brained enemies won't stop attacking, recalls his forces to a nearby moon. He sets up defenses there, and, conveniently, the moon is tropical. He aims his guns at the Snow Arena, which returned to its frigid state. He also launches his battle ships to land on the planet and shoot everyone who opposes him.


Try thinking of Quake 4 before you start getting smart with the almighty Abu, genius.

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The Vulture wastes no time, he picks up ovuholoP with his mighty talons and throws him with all his might, ovuholoP crumples like linguini as he hits the arena wall, but he gets up in record time, only to meet an ice ball right in the face, ovuholP falls down in a heap, but he os not defeated yet.
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After The Vulture threw the ice ball at ovuholoP, one of the Khatine Battle Ships lands on him. The Khatines come out, and blast him with a blaster. They take out their Dark Matter Guns and procede to start shooting everyone in the Snow Arena. They are recalled to fight off some Dogs, though. After they mutilate all the Dogs, they man the guns on Abugosai (the moon) and shoot at the planet. They destroy some of the Daedra Moloch summoned.
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a stray Dark matter bullet hits The Vultures backside, The Vulture rips the Khatine responsible apart before he gets on his ship, hoping Abu wont mind. :D he then proceeds to ard SkoomaCat with snowballs.
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