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The Snow Arena


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Abu, having taken all the sacred texts and and idol from the bigger idol, continues on the crusade Peregrine ordered him to start. He leaves Earth, but now nears the Snow Arena. He uses one of the Dark Matter Cannons on one of his battle ships to leave a hole he can land safely in. He first confronts SkoomaCat, and stares him in the eye.


"Join Peregrine's magnificent rule, or suffer the... concequenses." Abu says. He points the Ring of Death at SkoomaCat.


While he is threatening SkoomaCat, he casts a spell that fused his amulet, robe, and rings together to form the Robe of Chaos. He does this with his other stuff (the copies) and gets an infinite amount of Robes. The Robe of Chaos shines with glory.


The Ring is gone from his finger, but his hand has a red energy around it. If SkoomaCat does not hail Peregrine, he will suffer greatly, as the Dark Elves in Morrowind sometimes say (or said).

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Malchik clone sends everyone in the arena a complimentary glass of Red Biddy. Whilst intended as a gesture of good will it has the unfortunate side effect of making them temporarily forget whose side they are on.


SkoomaCat is aping Gene Kelly and singing in the rain of his own thunderstorm. Abu is trying to dismantle the Idol with his bare claws. Olohuvop has built all the little idols into a replica of Grand Central Station New York and taken the A train.


Peregrine cannot remember where he left his pyjamas and Marxist keeps omitting alternate letters from his important missives which therefore appear to come from Axs Brad.


And there is no way of distinguishing between friendly and unfriendly fire. Millions are killed in the bloodbath.

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Millions are killed in the bloodbath.

Pop pop, fizz fizz, oh what a relief it is! Millions of freshly-risen zombies are all penalized 1 turn each.


...Marxist keeps omitting alternate letters...

With a heavy heart and a heavy hand, the brave, valiant, and fearless lieutenant sits down on his sturdy desk chair. He swiftly picks up his mighty and powerful pen, and begins writing:


"To whom it may concern:


Sadly, military action on the preceding Tuesday, 12 December, at the time of..."


He crumples the letter, throws it in the trash, and starts writing another one:


"Dear madam,


It is with a heavy heart and a heavy hand I write this..."


Lo, the letter is crushed within the valiant lieutenant's massive and strong fist! He begins writing another one, with vigor:


"Dear sir or madam,


It is my duty to inform you that..."


This time, he simply glances at the paper and it bursts into flames! (Well, okay, maybe he spilled some WP from a shell and the incandescent light he turned on as he sat down ignited it, but come on --- it couldn't have been a coincidence.) He drinks a shot of whiskey and starts anew:


"Look, broad, in case you haven't heard, your husband --- you know, that really ugly Wolfgang Pauli guy who probably beat you nightly (but it's not like you didn't deserve it) --- is DEAD. I killed him. How do you like them apples, huh?"


He downs another shot:


"But since you're so beautiful, I'll cut you some slack. I'm really sorry about what I did. Honest injun. I'll never do it again."


Content with his most excellent penmanship, the brave and well-trained lieutenant mightily thrusts his letter into the mailbox and lifts the little metal flag up.

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Unfortunatly for Malchik Clone, Abu is under-aged for drinking (he is only thirteen), and he doesn't break the law... most of the time (did I say that?). He escapes the Snow Arena without being harmed.


"I seek Divine Intervention to do the godly stuff, SkoomaCat." Abu replies. "Now, I assume you refused to bow down before Peregrine. Die!"


Abu destroys SkoomaCat (with his Robe of Power's "Cast when used" enchantment).

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"I did as you asked, did I not?"






You asked how I duplicated it. Abu only has one active, mind you. He has the others stored away in his mind. So calm down!


So, SkoomaCat was destroyed. Abu summons a Lucy above Moloch's head just for the hell of it.


"That's one crazy cat!" Abu says.

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