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Just then, a mysterious figure Ninja Appears. He Ninja Kicks Imperial Chuck. The vulnerable Imperial aspect falls victim to the deadly Ninja Attack, and Imperial Chuck dies in agony. Ninja waits for more prey.


STAB! Right behind Ninja as Lord Slyther sneaks behind, ninja falls mortally wounded, but not down. Slyther returns to his realm(a.k.a. the real world), and Ninja gets pissed...

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Ninja quickly Ninja Heals and stands up uninjured. He then opens a Ninja Portal into this "real world" and Ninja Attacks Slyther. Slyther is caught off guard, but manages to dodge the Ninja Attack...mostly. Ninja's foot hits Slyther right in the head breaking his left arm.
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Ninja quickly Ninja Heals and stands up uninjured. He then opens a Ninja Portal into this "real world" and Ninja Attacks Slyther. Slyther is caught off guard, but manages to dodge the Ninja Attack...mostly. Ninja's foot hits......


Fool you are, ninja. I'm completely immortal, and set to ghost. Hahahahahahaha! And nope. Sorry, while I'm in my world, you can't kill me. Your actions on breaking me are denied. I'm as strong as steel, I am a God. You cannot break my arm, touch me, nor catch me off guard. Sorry, but I'm a God. Gods can also be cheaters so, inaccurate action is cancelled before taking effect. And just before your foot hits me, I grab it, and slam you right down with powerful force. Ouchie! Hurts, don't it? You cannot defy a God. >:)

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Suddenly, the Mudcrab Emperor falls out of the sky, landing on top both Slyther and Ninja, as his shell is over 40000 feet in circumfrence. "FEAR ME, NINJA AND GOD ALIKE!!!" he says as he crushes them underneath his enormous girth.
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Suddenly, the Mudcrab Emporer falls out of the sky, landing on top both Slyther and Ninja, as his shell is over 40000 feet in circumfrence. "FEAR ME, NINJA AND GOD ALIKE!!!" he says as he crushes them underneath his enormous girth.


Slyther jumps high in the sky doing the superman thing.


Slyther's response to the mudcrab emperor : Time has taught me patience! You mortals are very very foolish! I'm a God! How can you kill a God? What a grand intoxicating innocence! How could you be so naive? Don't forget. You're in MY realm right now, and I got the power! I ain't a false God either. I'm a true God! Fear my terrifying power! Oh, and one thing. I am the King of Gods in my realm! So, your power in my realm is nothing!


Ninja, and Slyther both kill the mudcrab emperor, but Slyther dealt a great deal of dammage to the mudcrab emperor with his powerful force, shrunk the mudcrab shell from 40000 feet to 100 feet, and Ninja finished the mudcrab off with a swift kick down from the sky, WHACK! The mudcrab is sent back into Oblivion, along with it's horde!


And Slyther said to Ninja : You helped me keep the mudcrabs from my worldspace. As a reward, I shall rebuild Tamriel, only if the Dunmer ain't around! So, Tamriel without Dunmer. Now leave my prescence now, and return to your home world.

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Suddenly, the Mudcrab Emporer falls out of the sky, landing on top both Slyther and Ninja, as his shell is over 40000 feet in circumfrence. "FEAR ME, NINJA AND GOD ALIKE!!!" he says as he crushes them underneath his enormous girth.


Ninja, and Slyther both kill the mudcrab emperor, but Slyther dealt a great deal of dammage to the mudcrab emperor with his powerful force, and Ninja finished the mudcrab off with a swift kick down from the sky, WHACK! The mudcrab is sent back into Oblivion, along with it's horde!



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Suddenly, the Mudcrab Emporer falls out of the sky, landing on top both Slyther and Ninja, as his shell is over 40000 feet in circumfrence. "FEAR ME, NINJA AND GOD ALIKE!!!" he says as he crushes them underneath his enormous girth.


Ninja, and Slyther both kill the mudcrab emperor, but Slyther dealt a great deal of dammage to the mudcrab emperor with his powerful force, and Ninja finished the mudcrab off with a swift kick down from the sky, WHACK! The mudcrab is sent back into Oblivion, along with it's horde!




"You are hereby banned from 'Earth' for unlimited days. You have until then shall your ban from Earth shall be lifted. Do not attempt to create a secondary mudcrab being. If we find evidence of you doing so, all your mudcrabs will be crushed!" lol!


"Reason for ban : You can haunt Tamriel or the other worldspaces all you want, BUT YOU SHALL NEVER RETURN ON EARTH, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Mods and admins, don't take this seriously. It's not a vigilante thing, it's a in-game fun thing lol!

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"Very well, I shall await your return to Tamriel, or at least a departure to some other world." said the Mudcrab. Slyther and Ninja heard this as a disembodied voice, therefore the Mudcrab Emperor did not break his word. "I shall not be caught off guard next time, Slyther, and then we will see who is a true God. MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA!"
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Foolish little god. Do you not know math?

(God + Stealth) * Awesomeness = Ninja

Ninja² + |666/0| = Ninja Lord

Ninja creates a Ninja Time Rip to go back in time three posts. He then Ninja Kicks the Mudcrab Emporer as he's coming through the portal sending him right back. Before Slyther can announce the Mudcrabs banning, he's smacked in the face with said Mudcrab. Ninja then uses Ninja Magic to re-enlarge the Mudcrab Emporer to his normal size.

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