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The Snow Arena


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Ninja creates a Ninja Time Rip to go back in time three posts. He then Ninja Kicks the Mudcrab Emporer as he's coming through the portal sending him right back. Before Slyther can announce the Mudcrabs banning, NINJA IS SILENCED!


"Povoholo, saw that!" Slyther said....


setscale mudcrab_emperor_01 0.500


You can't kill Gods! :devil:

You can't even silence me, foolish little ninja. Do you not understand the powerful concepts? Fine then. I shall keep Tamriel destroyed until you realize so. Ninja abilities against Gods are nothing. God has everything! And when I mean everything, I mean every single power on the planet including yours. I have god speed, god strength, and ultimate power. Gods are more powerful than you think. So, his mudcrabs are banned from Earth. There's NOTHING you can do in my world. Even if a God and Ninja form together, Ninja Lord, still, he must also understand he has power in HIS realm. But when in another realm, other than Tamriel(The worldspace is forever reserved by Nine Divines), his power is nothing. So, I'm in my realm, and I'm the God with power! Ninjas are individuals! Not stealth Gods! :verymad:


You can't kill me and I can't kill you, so what's the point of killing each other? We can't die. I sure as hell won't ever allow the storyline where I come to an end. I stay forever a immortal God, and will not allow himself to get mortalized.


Also, your math is VERY wrong. That is the most pathetic lying bull crap I've ever heard from you. NINJAS CAN DIE, YOU R-TARD. They're not Gods. Your hard headed mind just likes to think that ninjas are better than Gods, which is total bulls**t. I've killed ninjas before. You can't kill Slyther and you can never destroy him.




With that, Ninja Lord manages to block off most of Slyther's attacks, and Slyther is immune to Ninja Lord's attacks, but Ninja finally was caught off guard, and Slyther moves very quickly, driving Ninja Lord insane. Then USF advanced soldiers come to slyther's side. The soldiers are very skilled in stealth mode, which means they carry P90s and ninja swords, but then they all fire on Ninja Lord's movements, as Ninja Lord gets pinned down, immobilized for a short period of time, Slyther then walks up to him, crouches down while Ninja Lord is knocked down, Slyther aims his gold desert eagle at Ninja Lord's forehead. Ninja Lord luckily dodged the bullet, and got back up, avoiding Slyther's attack. Slyther uses force choke on Ninja Lord, holding him tight in his grasp, then using his gold desert eagle aiming for Ninja Lord again, uses his professional aiming, then said to him "See you in hell....", then Ninja Lord said back to him "You can't kill Ninjas! :devil:", but Ninja Lord accomplishes nothing as Slyther pulled the trigger, and shot his forehead. Then a strange light beam came out of Ninja Lord's forehead, which means he is preparing to self destruct himself, and the realm Slyther and his men were in. The sphere of Awesomeness explodes, but Slyther's men survived the attack, and then, Slyther and his men return to real life. Earth. This is the way it should end. The way it's supposed to end. Earth should never be destroyed by evil.


The End...

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Obviously you don't understand math...

(God + Stealth) * Awesomeness = Ninja

This means that Ninjas are better than gods, ...

Ninja² + |666/0| = Ninja Lord

...and this means that I'm even better than normal Ninjas. You can't ban someone better than you.

Due to his error in logic, Slyther accomplishes nothing. Ninja opens a Ninja Portal into his realm in the Sphere of Awesomeness. An army of Ninjas Ninja Appear and all collectively Ninja Attack Slyther. Faced by the innumerable Ninjas, Slyther gets Ninja Pulverised. With his destruction, Slyther's realm implodes. The Ninjas and Ninja, himself, survive and return to the Sphere of Awesomeness.

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Obviously you don't understand math...
(God + Stealth) * Awesomeness = Ninja

This means that Ninjas are NOT better than all gods, ...

Ninja² + |666/0| = Ninja Lord


YOU STUPID PATHETIC LITTLE NINJA RUNT!! You are very foolish. You try my will when you claim I understand nothing. Unacceptable! Denied! YOU are the who doesn't accomplish anything. The script is WAAY off.


Director : CUT!!! Ninja, Slyther is supposed to be immortal, and you CAN NOT kill him. Period. Go ahead. Kill me if you want, but Slyther is immortal as he is.


Your math makes you a God, but still, you can never get any better than any other gods. You match the same power as every single God. Check my post again. "FOOL! YOU CAN'T DESTROY ME NOR MY REALM WHEN I'M IN IT!!! SO YOU'RE THE ONE WHO DOESN'T UNDERSTAND THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS!!! FOOLISH STUBBORN NINJA DOES NOT UNDERSTAND MY POWER!!!" Give it up already. You can NOT and WILL not EVER, EVER kill me or my planet. NOW I WILL SMITE THE FOOLISH DELUDED NINJAS!! *BOOOOOMMM!!!" The Ninja army dies, and Ninja accomplishes nothing. Then the mudcrabs swarm Slyther's planet, and millions of USF soldiers fire their arms at all the mudcrabs. The mudcrab strength is very weak...

Plus, if I was vlunderable, destroying me won't destroy real life.


Now understand MY math....

Obviously, YOU can't understand, and your deluded false beliefs tests my patience....

I'm tired of repeatin' myself!


(God+Everthing)OWNAGE!! = King of all Gods


God+King = King of Gods


So, King of Gods are waaaaay better than all Gods in his realm. And you can't multiply that with King of Gods. And your small messed up mind claims that ninjas are better than gods. Not true. Jesus himself could possibly destroy a ninja, so you can't kill gods, r-tard. Gods are better than ninjas, not ninjas are better than gods. I don't think so, pal! Don't cop such a stubborn, pathetic, smartass statement at ME! Gods don't bleed. Besides, God himself created everything. EVEN the Ninjas.


That good enough for ya? :starwars:


"SLAVERY HAS GONE TOO FAR!!! THAT'S IT!!! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU!!!" Slyther shouted at Ninja lord with violence and great power, and seals the evil Ninja Lord away, so Slyther kills all Ninja lifeforms surrounding him, destroys evil Tamriel of it's foul actions, Then once again build the real world, and the rest of mankind is at peace as the portal(DON'T TRY TO SAY BEFORE I CLOSE IT, BECAUSE YOU JUST PLAIN CAN'T) closes entry between the Snow Arena and Earth....


Slyther from this point on will believe that Ninja is just using his imagination....

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Despite both Ninja Lord and Slyther attempting to destroy his army, Mudcrab Emperor survives, accelerating the time in his realm so that he will have an even BIGGER army. Using the power of the faith of his army, Mudcrab Emperor makes himself bigger than he was before, and, catching them off guard, sucks Slyther and Ninja into his realm. "HAHAHAHA! By your own logic, Slyther, I am now the most powerful God in this realm!" He then sends an attack force of specially trained (and secret) Ninja Mudcrab to attack Ninja and Slyther. Slyther is temporarily immobilized, but Ninja, being the Ninja Lord himself, is, of course, immune to any and all Ninja attacks.
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Despite both Ninja Lord and Slyther attempting to destroy his army, Mudcrab Emperor survives, accelerating the time in his realm so that he will have an even BIGGER army. Using the power of the faith of his army, Mudcrab Emperor makes himself bigger than he was before, and, catching them off guard, sucks Slyther and Ninja into his realm. "HAHAHAHA! By your own logic, Slyther, I am now the most powerful God in this realm!". then Slyther responded "Ok, you know what? Both of you.... I'm tired of convincing both of you....", because the Mudcrab Emperor never realizes the truth. He then sends an attack force of specially trained (and secret) Ninja Mudcrab to attack Ninja and Slyther. Slyther is immune to ninja attacks, but Ninja, being the Ninja Lord himself, is, of course, immune to any and all Ninja attacks. Slyther destroyed the mudcrab horde, then takes care of Ninja, then Slyther shot him down, and the mudcrab emperor is pulverized. In his destruction, Slyther escapes Uncrab as it blows.


Uh, no. I don't think so, pal. I defeated both of you. Sorry, but you both lost. AND FOR FRIGGIN SAKES, I AM INVLUNDERABLE TO ALL MAGICAL AND PHYSICAL FORMS!! SO I'M NOT IMMOBILIZED!!! You understand nothing.

I am the King of Gods!

This event did not happen. Sorry, but it just didn't. You foolish hard headed mortals try to convince I'm mortal. I am most absolutely NOT! And I finished the fight right there. So, no ninja can EVER defeat me.


I am done convincing you. You're not really immobilizing me, you're just using your imagination. I created everything, moron. I can destroy them just like that. Gone!



Btw freddycashmercury, why do you keep looking at my profile?


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Despite both Ninja Lord and Slyther attempting to destroy his army, Mudcrab Emperor survives, accelerating the time in his realm so that he will have an even BIGGER army. Using the power of the faith of his army, Mudcrab Emperor makes himself bigger than he was before, and, catching them off guard, sucks Slyther and Ninja into his realm. "HAHAHAHA! By your own logic, Slyther, I am now the most powerful God in this realm!" He then sends an attack force of specially trained (and secret) Ninja Mudcrab to attack Ninja and Slyther. Slyther is temporarily immobilized, but Ninja, being the Ninja Lord himself, is, of course, immune to any and all Ninja attacks.


Uh, no. I don't think so, pal. I defeated both of you. Sorry, but you both lost. AND FOR FRIGGIN SAKES, I AM INVLUNDERABLE TO ALL MAGICAL FORMS!! SO I'M NOT IMMOBILIZED!!! You understand nothing. This event did not happen. Sorry, but it just didn't. You foolish hard headed mortals try to convince I'm mortal. I am most absolutely NOT! And I finished the fight right there. So, no ninja can EVER defeat me. Enough said.


Very well, I will allow you to believe you have defeated me, but, I never said the ninja mudcrabs immobilized you magically. I just said they immobilized you, and I said it was temporary

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Despite both Ninja Lord and Slyther attempting to destroy his army, Mudcrab Emperor survives, accelerating the time in his realm so that he will have an even BIGGER army. Using the power of the faith of his army, Mudcrab Emperor makes himself bigger than he was before, and, catching them off guard, sucks Slyther and Ninja into his realm. "HAHAHAHA! By your own logic, Slyther, I am now the most powerful God in this realm!" He then sends an attack force of specially trained (and secret) Ninja Mudcrab to attack Ninja and Slyther. Slyther is temporarily immobilized, but Ninja, being the Ninja Lord himself, is, of course, immune to any and all Ninja attacks.


Uh, no. I don't think so, pal. I defeated both of you. Sorry, but you both lost. AND FOR FRIGGIN SAKES, I AM INVLUNDERABLE TO ALL MAGICAL FORMS!! SO I'M NOT IMMOBILIZED!!! You understand nothing. This event did not happen. Sorry, but it just didn't. You foolish hard headed mortals try to convince I'm mortal. I am most absolutely NOT! And I finished the fight right there. So, no ninja can EVER defeat me. Enough said.


Very well, I will allow you to believe you have defeated me, but, I never said the ninja mudcrabs immobilized you magically. I just said they immobilized you, and I said it was temporary


They can't. I am immune to every element. I created everything, including mudcrabs. I can resist all elements. Also, Ninja_Lord666 is so wrong. So very wrong. The only mathematics that describe a ninja is this...




I've seen ninjas defeated before, so you're a filthy liar. However, the toughest of all ninjas is the Ninja Lord himself...


Watch the results...


Ninja+666= Ninja Lord


Nice try.


How about a little YouTube vid to prove it? I think I should...



Just let me win this time. Just only this time. But after that, my main character will not return I'm afraid. It ruins the arena, and I'll just come up with new ones that are vlunderable. You WILL get me next time, but not the same character.

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Just let me win this time. Just only this time. But after that, my main character will not return I'm afraid. It ruins the arena, and I'll just come up with new ones that are vlunderable. You WILL get me next time, but not the same character.

No problem, it's all good! :biggrin: I just enjoy seeing how out of control you and Ninja get with your stories. I held back this time, but I won't make that mistake again. And with that...


Freddy Cash Mercury materializes in the Snow Arena, alone for the moment. He prepares his instruments of destruction. The amazingly destructive voice of Freddy Mercury and the legendary songwriting talent of Johnny Cash are his main weapons. His secret weapon will be revealed when it becomes necessary. Seeing that he is alone for the moment, he orders his soldiers (fans of Freddy and Johnny) to build a fortress on the top of a tall mesa that rises over the Arena. Preparations begin....

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Understand this, gods are not invulnerable, not necessarily. In fact, the only god that actually is invulnerable is the Christian/Muslim/Jewish god. All other gods are vulnerable: Greek/Roman, Egyptian, Norse, Celtic, etc. And yes, you are very much ruining the arena. As far as your 'movie' is concerned, it's completely biased. Also, it's waaay too loud. I had my speakers down to the lowest setting and it was still too loud.



Freddy looks out over the vast field of snow from the top* of his partially complete fortress. Some distance away, he notices a small black sphere that he could have sworn was not there before. The sphere's gravity rapidly increases absorbing the nearby snow. As it consumes said snow, the sphere gets larger and begins to distort it's shape. The black sphere eventually takes the appearance of a ninja but has no contrast whatsoever, thereby looking like the shadow of a ninja. Colour begins to enter into the figure giving it visible depth.


Snow Ninja has arrived. Snow Ninja, despite being made of snow and pure concentrated evil, looks just like a normal ninja. Snow Ninja dissolves into the surrounding snow. Where he's bound for, no one knows.



*top as in the highest point so far

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