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The Snow Arena


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Meanwhile on board the Retribution, The alarm had been raised- engineers has spotted a strange moving blob of cold moving through the ships plumbing, and had alerted Terminator. No-one was sure what it could be, but he didn't want to take any chances, so he ordered the entire ship locked down. Moments later, massive steel bulkheads came sliding down throughout the ship, sealing off the entire bridge- nothing could get in or out, and it was completely airtight. All members of the crew not on the bridge were also sealed in whatever rooms they were in, also unreachable. Terminator then ordered his chief engineer to flood the entire plumbing system with boiling water to flush the strange phenomenon out. Watching a diagram of the ship's plumbing system, he smiled as the unusual cold spot was enveloped, and chuckled as it vanished completely. He then lifted the lockdown, but, just in case, left the sector where the unusual cold spot had last been spotted sealed. Then, he had the Retribution moved to an isolated safespot, located deep within deadspace, where it would not be found.
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2 hours later, a very little snow pile remained in the plumbing room, which clearly states snow ninja survived, but will need a lot of snow to get big again. The Jefferson Starship has located the Retribution, and decided to open fire on the Retribution. No matter the fight again, the mudcrabs would never understand. The ship recharges on Peregrine's remote charge system which keeps the vessel alive in her darkest hour. The Jefferson Starship brought the shields down again, but they will recharge slowly. One of the ninja mudcrabs suggested to Freddy that they need to find something that will at least bring the ship down. They had no clue that Peregrine's remote charge was the key to destroy the Retribution, so they tried to repeat the same step, but then, the Jefferson Starship exploded within it's recharged shields. The guards found the ninja mudcrab, and Freddy as they both tried to find the engine room, but they were caught. They were then thrown into prison cells for a while....
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But the guards had neglected to gag Freddy, and he was able to blow a hole in the holding cell with his devastating vocal cords. He and his ninja mudcrab fought there way through the Retribution, and when they reached the control room, they found Terminator waiting for them. Battle was joined....
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Unfortunately for them, they knew little about the Retribution's security systems. Terminator calmly pressed a button on a nearby control panel, and instantly the bridge erupted into chaos- The massive emergency bulkheads slammed into place blocking all the exits, emergency sirens sounded, and the automatic defence systems engaged. Before Freddy and his mudcrab even had time to think, several panels in the ceiling slid back, to allow several multi-barrel, rapid-fire, autocannons, loaded with supercharged snowballs, carefully hand-crafted for maximum strength, maximum velocity, and maximum piercing. Freddy was ripped apart immediately, but the mudcrab survived almost a second longer before it's shell shattered under the force of the blows, and he died almost instantly.


As soon as the threat was destroyed, the autocannons retracted, the bulkheads opened, and several snow-powered robots entered to clean up the snow ammo. Meanwhile, three crew members removed the bodies, sealing them in an unused cargo container, loading it into the ship's jettison tube, and launching it into space, never to be seen again.


The Retribution flew slowly, gracefully, away, using its long-range snow scanners to locate its next target.

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This is why Snow Ninja chose the plumbing. His body may be all but gone, but his spirit remains as long as there is a single flake of snow left. Snow Ninja focused his powers, cooling the water, eventually freezing it. The coldness spread throughout the pipes, and all that water that flooded in was turned to snow. Freddy and the ninja mudcrab charged Terminator but were interrupted by a giant stalagmite of ice shooting up through the floor. More ice spires shot up everywhere around the shi, even the exterior, turning it into a porcupine outside, and a maze inside. One of the ice shoots smacked right into the ship's main control panel. The power to the ship severed shutting down all electricity, shutting off the engines, and shutting off the shields. In a matter of seconds, however, the energy was back on, only, this time, the Retribution had been infiltrated by the essence of Snow Ninja, it became Snow Ninja. The Retribution's exterior doors flew wide open sucking out everything not nailed down into the void of space Freddy, the ninja mudcrab, and Terminator were hurled out the door along with all the ship's crew. The doors then sealed, and the ship turned and shot off towards a different corner of the universe.


Edit: Remove the parts mentioning Freddy and the ninja mudcrab, Terminator killed them before I finished the post.

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When the Retribution crashed, the impact was enough to kill the crewmen. However, a mysterious metal figure looking like Mario came in, and killed the survivors. Then Snow Ninja saw the figure and asked "What are you doing here?", but the figure didn't answer. Instead, it jumps into outer space, creating a portal to absorb everything, including Snow Ninja, and then the snow reformed into snow ninja, and he said "Where am I?", but before him lays a shadow realm. It included metal ninjas as the figure's bodyguards, as snow ninja needs to find a way out of the realm. A few tests layed before Snow Ninja, and the test has came to prove his courage and strength to make it out alive....
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I get the feeling Terminator is determined to kill me.... I wonder why? :unsure:


Thanks to the nanobot technology within his body, Freddy regenerated his broken body, and set out to find Snow Ninja, and perhaps suggest a.... temporary alliance. He walked through the shadow realm for a few hours, when he was confronted by several metal ninjas. He pulled out the Bass of John Deacon (Bassist for Queen), and used the powerful vibrations to shake the metallic ninjas very atomic structure apart. He then continued on his search for Snow Ninja.

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Freddy then finds the pile of snow, and finds Snow Ninja. He tried to ask Snow Ninja it'd be better if they'd work together to fight their way out of the shadow realm, but Snow Ninja said to Freddy "After your mudcrabs attacking my ninjas, you don't deserve my help." but then, they found themselves confronted by metal knights, and they were heavily armored, so ninja attacks won't be easy. They need to learn their weakness to take out the powerful metal knights, but then, Dark Link appeared, and took out the metal knights. Then he said "I didn't do this for both of you.....", then left tossing a deku nut flashbanging both Freddy and Snow Ninja. Freddy was temporarily immobilized, but Snow Ninja, is without question immune to all stealth attacks. But after Freddy recovered from the flashbang, he noticed Dark Link was gone, so was Snow Ninja. They both left Freddy out by himself. Freddy said "Where did they go?", and began trying to find a way out of the shadow realm.....
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You know Slyther, you haven't really contributed much besides messing everything up. I AM Retribution. It didn't crash. I couldn't possibly be sucked into some other realm, seeing as how I'm a giant ship. Personally, I'm going to ignore these last three posts as they couldn't possibly have happened. One last thing, why don't get get your own character, Slyther, instead of using other people's characters. I don't like you deciding what I am doing.
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You know Slyther, you haven't really contributed much besides messing everything up. I AM Retribution. It didn't crash. I couldn't possibly be sucked into some other realm, seeing as how I'm a giant ship. Personally, I'm going to ignore these last three posts as they couldn't possibly have happened. One last thing, why don't get get your own character, Slyther, instead of using other people's characters. I don't like you deciding what I am doing.


Well, I can't come up with good ones. Well, you did do a ninja rip on the last posts, am I right? Fine then, I won't decide what you're doing, but I can't come up with a custom one either. I'm running out of ideas, so if you don't like it, that's fine. I guess freddycashmercury and I will try to continue with our story since you don't want to be in it or don't like the idea of it. Plus how the hell can you even become a giant ship? I thought you said you were snow ninja.

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