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The Snow Arena


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Both of you stop arguing, let's just decide what we want to do.


Ninja, technically a ship could be sucked into a wormhole depending on the size of the hole, and if the matter is compressed during transit. In any case, this is a fictional battle, so I think that rules of physics don't have to apply.


Plus how the hell can you even become a giant ship? I thought you said you were snow ninja.


Slyther, if you read his post it says he sort of bonded with the ship. Think like a parasite, in total control of the host.


You two can decide between yourselves, I'm fine with whatever.

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Well, whether you guys agree with each other or not, I'm just trying to have fun! Is that not so hard?? Plus, I'm not using my God character, because it corrupts the arena. Maybe if you give me enough time to think, I MIGHT come up with something. But not right away. For now, I'm just gonna have my God character to spectate the arena(I'm just gonna sit back and watch) until I come up with something, or maybe I might use Nintendo's characters only for this time, but still, I'm not gonna kill anyone yet....
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That's fine with me. You could just wait until you have a good character in mind, then, when there is an opening in the thread, jump on in!


Thanks! For now, I'm gonna say this fiction....


the figure messes around in the shadow realm, jumping around, and grabbing coins....

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The scientists finished creating the shadow and everything went wrong. The shadow broke out of his test cell and killed all the scientists, then hiding in the shadows made his way towards a blasted whole in the wall of the ship. He jumped out and slowly drifted off into space until he shall meet something to start living in.
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Freddy finished rebuilding himself and broke out of the storage container, only to find himself in open space. He quickly summoned the Jefferson Starship, and scanned for any sign of Snow Ninja. He found the direction Snow Ninja had gone, and also found the Shadow drifting. He sent the order to pick up the Shadow, and put him into holding until Freddy arrived in the holding cells. He then offered the Shadow a choice, join him, or get out of his way.
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The Shadow realising that Freddy could be a valuable ally accepts the deal. He offers his hand to shake on the deal, and asks, "What is it you want me to do?"
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The Retribution drifted through space. Snow Ninja's long range scanner picked up a reading of an object following a trail of spectral snow dust left behind by the Retribution. Snow Ninja reshaped the the snow particles to form into a u-turn around back towards where it came from. Snow Ninja them opened a Snow Portal and the Retribution flew through teleporting to a random spot in the universe. Instead of closing the portal, however, Snow Ninja redirected it. Now free from the pursuer for a time, the Retribution flew towards a nearby planet, with the intent of slaughter and destruction.
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"My speciality is tracking and killing. Give me a ship and I shall find him. I shall bring him back for you to deal with or you shall have my head. My loyalty is yours." The Shadow replied immediately. "I shall need a weapon though incase anyone I don't trust shall deny me."
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