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The Snow Arena


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"Here," said Freddy, "take my personal fighter. It's the fastest ship I have, and has the most weapons. As for a personal weapon.... take this. It's an experimental Anti-Snow Beam that should be effective against Snow Ninja and his minions. It also has a 9 millimeter handgun built into it, if you should encounter more... mundane enemies." Freddy then hands over the keys to his ship and the gun. "Lastly, if you should find yourself in close-quarters combat with anyone, use this. It is a sword made of an advanced metal capable of heating up to 3000 degrees celsius without lsing its shape. Just hit this switch to activate it." He hands over the sword. "When you find him, use the radio to transmit his coordinates to me, and I will be there as fast as possible."
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The Shadow grabs the sword and attaches hit to his side, then he takes the beam and straps it to his back. He grabs they keys and flips it into the pocket of his destroyed pants. He headed to the fighter and launched it towards the last known coordinates of Snow Ninja. Then while heading there he slept in his sleeping pod.
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Snow Ninja knew he couldn't stay hidden forever. After destroying all the planets orbiting the star of the particular solar system he was in, Snow Ninja focused his snowy on the star. He fought against the star's fusion power, rapidly draining his energy. However, he was able to gain control of the star moments before death and directed the star's fusion. A millennium passed before the process was complete. Snow Ninja had caused the star to fuse itself into water. By this time, Snow Ninja's powers had returned to maximum. He transfered all his power into Retribution's main snow cannon. Retribution charged up a powerful ice shot and blasted the giant sphere of liquid. As soon as the sub-zero temperatures touched the water, the hydro-star froze over into a giant ball of ice. Snow Ninja then removed his hold on Retribution as it was of no more use. The battered and hole-filled scrap ship floated aimlessly away. Snow Ninja glided towards the ice ball and merged with it. Snow Ninja now had about 14,122,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 m³ of snow power at his disposal. With his newfound power, Snow Ninja's senses rose to incredible heights, they rose so far, that they could even defy time. Snow Ninja could now see, hear, smell, taste, and feel the past, present, and future at his will. He saw that, in exactly 193 Earth-years, 4 Earth-months, 21 Earth-days, 53 Earth-minutes, and 40.64 Earth seconds from now, The Shadow would arrive. It would then take 2 Earth-seconds for him to be destroyed, utterly and completely.
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"I demand justice! I demand order!" Slyther said in an uproar spectating Snow Ninja's movements. But while he said it, he sent in his most powerful knight and his most swift stealth super soldiers. These stealth troops have ninja abilities, and they carry P90s. The gold knight can resist frost attacks. The fight began to get challenging as the golden knight Slyther sent it is in charge. He also sends in the world-class powerful starship called the Longsword of Judgment to attack the Retribution. It's shields are very powerful, and is about 3/4 the size of the Retribution. In her darkest hour, she recharges her engines under Slyther's magical influence. The gold knight knew Snow Ninja's weakness, which is heat enough to melt the snow. They tried to reach the Retribution before Terminator was lost, but they were too late....
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PAY ATTENTION! I discarded the ship; I no longer own it. It's somewhere off in space now, a piece of scrap metal. I am now a star-sized super powered ice ball. My average temperature is .000001 K. (Just for reference, ice melts at 273.15 K.) I have the power to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel things from any time period, be they past present, or future. Pretty much, I am un-killable. I am even harder to kill than a star (because I'm in a more stable state than a star).
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Pretty much, I am un-killable. I am even harder to kill than a star (because I'm in a more stable state than a star).


Then you're also ruining the arena yourself. You can't stay invincible forever. Everyone's character has to lose at some point(except for mine, but the soldiers I sent in can die at some point). Ninja Lord, either you have a killable character, or you're ruining the arena. In fact, I'm going to ignore your last post. You don't have to lose, but you don't have to win all the time either. Or if you say Snow Ninja is spectating the arena, then it's not really a problem. But you say ninjas can't die. LIES! I killed anyone in games who are ninjas before. As I said earlier, your Ninja Lord character may be invincible if you wish, but don't go using his power after one time or go saying nobody can kill ninjas, because they can. Why don't you come up with a vlunderable character like I'm trying now, or I'm gonna ignore your posts. I don't like how you're claiming to be invincible.

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Think. I'm a massive ball of ice. I can't move of my own will. The only movement I exert is the normal movement applied by gravity. Also, who said I had only one character? Why can't I ditch my own characters? Why can only you introduce character after character? By turning Snow Ninja into a near-invulnerable and near-invincible character, I also prevented him form taking an active part in the Arena. The only reason I'm still posting about him is because you people are attacking. Since the transformation, Snow Ninja has done nothing but sit there.
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Think. I'm a massive ball of ice. I can't move of my own will. The only movement I exert is the normal movement applied by gravity. Also, who said I had only one character? Why can't I ditch my own characters? Why can only you introduce character after character? By turning Snow Ninja into a near-invulnerable and near-invincible character, I also prevented him form taking an active part in the Arena. The only reason I'm still posting about him is because you people are attacking. Since the transformation, Snow Ninja has done nothing but sit there.


Yeah, you're a massive ball of ice, but weakness to ice is heat. You said had Ninja Lord as yourself to confront my God character, but failed to win, so this is the reason why I just wanted to sacrifice new characters I made up. I cheated my way to victory before, but the past is the past! Let's just forget it happened, ok??

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He's at .000001 K or -273.149999 ºC or -495.6699982 ºF. It would take more heat than anyone can muster to melt him. I'm still going to have Snow Ninja, but, as long as no one attacks him, he's just going to be sitting there doing nothing like your god character. Like I said, I have more characters.
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He's at .000001 K or -273.149999 ºC or -495.6699982 ºF. It would take more heat than anyone can muster to melt him. I'm still going to have Snow Ninja, but, as long as no one attacks him, he's just going to be sitting there doing nothing like your god character. Like I said, I have more characters.


Ok then. I have no problem with that. Also, I changed the post about the Retribution. It says "before the USF reached the Retribution, they were too late.", but it actually mentions about Terminator.

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