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Two diminutive people walked into a bar. They were both quite evil. In fact, Evil's Digest rated them as the two most evil people ever. However, which one of them is more evil is unknown. They both think that that the other one is the lesser evil. They are Ninja Garden Gnome and Ninja Leprechaun. The former has mastery over stone; he can shape stone, telekinetically move stone, turn non-stone objects into stone, and turn stone into non-stone objects. The latter beat Lucky to death with a crow bar and stole his marshmallow powers...
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That's a funny post, Ninja! ;D


While waiting for the Shadow to report back to him, Freddy took a walk around the ship and inspected the systems. Satisfied that everything was in working order, he then played some random songs on the Accordion of DOOOOOOOOOOOOM*!






*Yes, it is the Accordion of DOOOOOOOOOOOOM, and I expect you all to put the exact amount of O's into the name! :P

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The Longsword of Judgment returned to the USF HQ, and Slyther refuels the ship for next time when duty calls, we shall be there.... The tengus were back on their patrols, as the gold knight is actually another one of Slyther's race(I don't have a name for him yet). He takes off his armor, and Slyther holds onto it for him, placing the armor in a display case so when the user of the gold knight armor will use it again. However, he went to the bar, and decided to have a few beers. Then some thug in the corner looked at him, and he caught the thug looking at him. So, he gets off the bar stool, approaches the man in the corner, he said "Hey! What the ****'s a matter with you? You got a problem or what?", then the thug replied "Uh,, no. No problem.", but then the gold knight guy said to him "Now you do.", and with his brutal battle strength, he mugs the man, and then, another guy picks a fight with the ninja garden gnome, and the ninja leprechaun, then it turns into a bar fight. The two ninjas whacked out a lot of thugs, as the gold knight walks out of the bar trying to avoid attention of the bar fight. He then returns to USF HQ back to be on duty. Then the police comes, and tries to take out everyone, but since the two ninjas are tough to beat, the cops weren't successful.
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While in the bar, a Nord insulted Ninja Leprechaun for being short. Ninja Leprechaun got pissed off and beat the Nord to death with a crow bar. The Nord's friend's retaliated and attacked Ninja Leprechaun. Ninja Garden Gnome transformed their hearts into chunks of stone killing them almost instantly. This caused the entire bar to erupt into chaos. Ninja Leprechaun used the power of the horseshoe marshmallow to increase his speed thereby whacking with his crow bar ten times faster than before. Blood sprayed all over the place. Ninja Garden Gnome turned beer mugs into stone and hurled them at the rioters. In only a few minutes, everyone in the bar was dead and everything was soaked in blood. The two left the bar hoping to find more fruitful ventures.


Edit: Damn! You beat me! :P It's funny, though that we both turned the bar into a riot...

Edit 2: Although...upon a second read, our two posts don't conflict at all. In fact, they fit in together quite nicely. :)

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During the fight, Slyther got pretty pissed at his gold knight for starting a fight, but the gold knight had a reason. So, Slyther ordered his tengus to try and stop the fight. The roof was breached when the bar war was in effect. Two tengus snuck in, tried to reach the two ninjas. They were successful, and they said "We do not wish to fight. We came to tell you we're smoking the area out. Our advice to you is to get the hell out now!", and they left as the knock-out gas was starting to come into effect, and it's up to the two ninjas to do what they want to do. If they can resist knock-out gas, that's great! If not, well, that's Ninja Lord's decision....


Edit 1 : I wasn't finished with the fight lol!

Edit 2 : Wait a sec, did you say your ninjas were partially evil? If they are, I won't attack them, although I don't really associate with evil......

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Seriously, you need to read my posts, too. I already ended the fight. Everyone in there is dead, and the two mini-ninjas have left.


Edit: Nevermind! :P You did read my post, just later...

Edit 2: Partially evil? PARTIALLY EVIL!? They are completely evil through and through.

In fact, Evil's Digest rated them as the two most evil people ever.
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Seriously, you need to read my posts, too. I already ended the fight. Everyone in there is dead, and the two mini-ninjas have left.


Edit: Nevermind! :P You did read my post, just later...

Edit 2: Partially evil? PARTIALLY EVIL!? They are completely evil through and through.


And the gas actually killed them too, hahahahahaha! :biggrin:


Edit 1 : Well, um,,,, I'm a neutrally good, which the USF is on the light side.... I guess I'll,,,, just help the dark side a bit.... As long as you're killing thugs, I might help...

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My post came first, so it has more pertinence. That means, the gassing never happened...or you gassed an empty bar...

Also, "knock-out gas," as you called it, wouldn't kill anything; it'd knock them out, hence the name.

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My post came first, so it has more pertinence. That means, the gas never happened...or you gassed an empty bar...


Damn, lol! Well, I guess I'm gonna poison gas the stinking barfly tavern.....


USF tengus are in position, they breach the roofs, and already everyone was fighting. They tossed in poison gas, and then killed the thugs. Then they threw in the satchel charge, and meters away, BOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!! "We don't need no water, let the mother****er burn!" said one of the USF soldiers, not tengus.

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Ninja Garden Gnome and Ninja Leprechaun where walking towards the Stinking Barfly Tavern arguing about who was eviler when they saw it blow up in front of them. They paused, then turned around and walked towards a different bar, complaining the whole way.
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