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The Snow Arena


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Three bandits ambushed the USF tengus, but they had no idea who they were dealing with, so a thousand tengus ninja-pulverized the three bandits(The USF tengus have ninja abilites also, which I think I mentioned before), then they head towards the city of Cheydinhal. They were on an assasination mission under the order of Slyther's influenced government, to eliminate the count's bodyguard, then head for count Andel Indarys. Because the count is the race of a Dark Elf, the tengus viciously silence the count by spilling his blood on his very own bed. "Count Indarys, sire! I have news!" The town guard captain said coming in a rush, but then he was surprised to see the count viciously murdered. The tengus then knock out the guard, and throws him on board a pelican, as it flys back to base, Slyther then took him to a secret warehouse. Then chained the guard, and threw an act like SAW. Slyther set up the traps, and performed SAW on the guard. Then the guard wakes up, only with his boxers on, noticing the chain-links cut right through his skin. Then the tape recorder played... "Hello. You may not know me, but I know you. The bomb is set to blow in 2 minutes. You are chained, and the chains are linked right through your skin. Break the chains. Live or die. The choice is yours. Let the games begin....", but Slyther heard him screaming in horror, as he managed to get most of the chains off his skin, he was bloodied, but he didn't make it. The bomb set to blow same time as Cheydinhal's bomb blew at the same time. Then Slyther said as the guard died "Game over...", and with that, he locked down the warehouse. The tengus return to base....
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"Well," said Freddy, "until the Shadow reports, I suppose I'll head back to the Snow Arena." With that, he flew the Jefferson Starship to the site of the Stinking Barfly Tavern, only to find it completely demolished. "NOOOOOOO! I will have vengeance on the ones who destroyed my favorite bar! It's a good thing they left this note."


The note says:




With that, he flew to the Tengus base, vengeance in his heart.

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On the way to the Tengus base, the ship had to stop and refuel. The two small ninjas, after slaughtering two more bars, a tavern, and five pubs, found the Jefferson. They wondered if there'd be booze on board. Ninja Leprechaun used the blue moon marshmallow power to turn them both invisible while they sneaked on. They then wandered around the ship's corridors looking for a drink when they ran into Freddy...
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"Well," said Freddy, "until the Shadow reports, I suppose I'll head back to the Snow Arena." With that, he flew the Jefferson Starship to the site of the Stinking Barfly Tavern, only to find it completely demolished. "NOOOOOOO! I will have vengeance on the ones who destroyed my favorite bar! It's a good thing they left this note."


The note says:




With that, he flew to the Tengus base, veangence in his heart.


As the Jefferson Starship approached the US governmental fortress a.k.a. USF HQ, the anti-aircraft guns began firing at the ship as it drew first strike. This happened due to the first missile that hit the fortress radars. Then the Longsword of Judgment rose up in the sky, Slyther was commanding his own ship, and the Jefferson Starship's no match for the huge Longsword of Judgment and it's shields. Slyther's ship fired it's beam at the Jefferson Starship and disabled it's shields, then he left his wife in charge of the ship which she was 2nd command of the USF, then Lord Slyther jumped at incredible heights, and breached through the bridge where Freddy was, and Slyther pointed his most powerful platinum desert eagle a lot more powerful than all desert eagles, right at Freddy and his crew unarmed, but Slyther asked without killing them "Why are you attacking my base?" he asked, "And who are these beings?" he noticed the two ninjas right at the ship when it was a hold down, the two ninjas standing there with their so-called marshmellow weapons, and with Slyther's platinum desert eagle pointing at the crew, and Freddy there scared s**tless fearing this may be the end of his life due to Slyther's godly appearance, but then Slyther lowered his pistol, and instead just wanted to talk as a friend, trusting Freddy. "What did I ever do to you? I wasn't even attacking anyone." he then said, but he's expecting the reason from Freddy, but Slyther also ordered his men to cease fire.....

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The Shadow wakes up out of the sleeping pod. He heads to the computer room and contacts Freddy's ship, and eagerly waits for a response.
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Everyone is silent and unmoving, waiting for someone to make the first move. Just then, a phone rang, and everyone's reflexes kicked in. Slyther shot the phone; Ninja Garden Gnome turned Slyther's feet to stone; Ninja Leprechaun began beating a random crew member to death with a crow bar; another crew member watched the merciless beating and wet his pants; Freddy shot a high powered music blast at Slyther, crushing his ear drums; Everyone else ran in fear and panic.
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"I only did that because I didn't want any heat on me, but hell with that!" He said, and just walked away, blasting the Jefferson Starship elsewhere from the USF HQ. Then Slyther returned to his throne, and the tengus out on the field were running as they were caught by the Jefferson Starship.


Edit : Freddy, I think you should read my post again. I didn't shoot anything. I just lowered my guard down.

Edit 2 : My guy's invincible. He can't have his ears crushed. He's resist to frequency, physics, you name it. I'm not attacking anyone with my guy, but right now, you're pretty much attacking my property, which I have a good reason to bring him in, and left out. Please don't attack Godly properties. It just ruins it for me, and it pretty much ruins it for ninja if his Snow Ninja is being attacked.

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Edit : Freddy, I think you should read my post again. I didn't shoot anything. I just lowered my guard down.

Edit 2 : My guy's invincible. I'm not attacking anyone with my guy, but right now, you're pretty much attacking my property.

You shoot the phone in my post.

Invincible doesn't mean invulnerable. ;) Turning your feet to stone and crushing your ear drums isn't killing you.

I just did it for the comedy aspect. You're a god, you can just reverse both. It's but a minor inconvenience for you.

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Read Ninjas post, in it you shoot the phone.


While waiting for a reply from the Shadow, Freddy peers around the corner to see what everyone is doing. He sees Slyther and Ninja Garden Gnome fighting furiously, although Slyther is hampered by his stone feet. Ninja Leprochaun is still beating up one of Freddys crew members, laughing all the while. Freddy sends out another musical wave, knocking Ninja Leprochaun off of his feet.


Edit: Just saw Ninjas post. I thought we decided you were only all-powerful on Earth, remember? Otherwise, you are like one of the Norse or Greek gods, immortal, but not invulnerable.

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