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The Snow Arena


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Even though he is off key, Freddy whips out his accordion to accompany the singers. Even though he is drunk, Freddy does not miss a single note. He also pulls out a hidden stash of tequila, further increasing the amount of intoxication going on.
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"Hey! Play us a song, Fred!" one of the drunk tengus said. He payed Freddy 15 gold pieces...
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Just then, Ninja Leprechaun begins beating a Tengus soldier to death with a crow bar. Everyone is so plastered that they just sit and laugh...everyone but the poor Tengus soldier who is being beaten to death that is...
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Just then, Ninja Leprechaun begins beating a Tengus soldier to death with a crow bar. Everyone is so plastered that they just sit and laugh...everyone but the poor Tengus soldier who is being beaten to death...


"Hahahahahahahaha! Kick his ass!" another tengu said drunk also. Bu then, the ninja garden gnome is even more crazy, and went after the tengu. "Oh, s**t" he gasped, and ran. Another tengu followed ninja garden gnome with a 2x4 piece of wood trying to beat ninja garden gnome with it saying "Ah!!! Spider! Kill it!!! Kill the spider!!! I hate spiders!!"....

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Everyone was having a hell of a time partying at the campsite, but the dark lord focuses his target on the campsite, and ordered his men to fire a atomic nuclear missile at the co-ordinates of the position. Most people died from the explosion, but Freddy caught the missile beforehand and looked for shelter. The two ninjas and the USF tengus are resistant to radiation....
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They may be drunk, but they're not stupid. As soon as the nuke came in, Ninja Garden Gnome turned himself into stone, and Ninja Leprechaun used his heart marshmallow power. They then got extremely upset as the bomb destroyed all the booze. Ninja Leprechaun used the shooting star marshmallow power to launch himself and Ninja Garden Gnome into space in the direction the nuke came from.
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