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Shadow just made it and saw freddy in space with his newfound companions and picked them up. Shadow greeted them all with a generous, "How was the battle?"
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The Ninja Leprechaun was unsuccessful finding the King of Twilight and his capital Oblivion realm crowned over all Oblivion realms. As the time is not now to deal with the powerful dark lord which repels Slyther in every small matter. A tengu found his brother dead, and he said "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Whoever done this will pay!", and one of the tengus said "We do not know where the dark lord lies. Until Lord Slyther gives us the info, only then will we be ready to confront the Oblivion God King. Slyther says we're not ready yet. This requires strength, courage, and everyone's will for victory.", but the two ninjas didn't know the dark lord was evil like them, so they followed the nuke's path as Ninja told us where he's going, and found the supreme Oblivion gate. The tengus secure Freddy as he is minorly injured. "You're gonna be alright." one of the tengus said, and they called a rescue team to bring them to USF HQ to patch Freddy up....


Edit : "Seemed pretty rough, Shadow." one of the tengus said. "We need to take your friend in to heal his wounds. They aren't serious, but he's ok." he included....

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Ok, there's a bit of a gap in between the last two posts, I guess I'll bridge it!



Freddy replied to the Shadow, "It was.... random. We are companions now, and we are going to find the Twilight King, who destroyed our party." They then searched for the Twilight King, but were unsuccesful in finding him. They did, however, find an Oblivion Gate leading to the Twilight Kings realm. Freddy was injured by monsters coming through the portal, when Slyther's tengus showed up.

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Suddenly, the gate closed. The gold knight arrived, and everyone except for the two ninjas were denied access. "A evil power blocks those who don't wield the sword." Slyther arrived suddenly. "Sir, I like to use the sword of aeons." one of the tengus said.... "No. You do not yet meet the strength and courage enough to take this task. I will however let Freddy take on the King of Twilight and Shadow if he wishes. This man, I knew him a long time ago. His name is

Eclipse Blackdragon

. I know this man very well, and he also exists as a half-dragon race, but the counter part. He is a very powerful man. His attacks are very devastating. We shall attack when it's time. For now, we need to take care of things on Earth." Slyther complied with constructive information....

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ooc: Evil doesn't always work with evil. In fact, evil probably fights itself more than it does good. Just a heads up. ;)


Shadow's ship arrives at a giant Oblivion gate. The crew members refuse to continue on. While Shadow argues with them, Ninja Leprechaun and Ninja Garden Gnome exit the ship and enter the portal. Inside, they see a giant tower on a small island surrounded by lava. Being evil themselves, they know that bad guys are never original, and so the main bad guy is undoubtedly at the top of the tower. Ninja Leprechaun uses the red balloon marshmallow power to float up to the top with Ninja Garden Gnome. They see there is no roof, so they just drop in.


Edit: I guess I wasn't quite fast enough. Disregard this post then.

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I said the gate closed before we reached it. So, we're not confronting the big bad boss yet.(except for you, Ninja, because you're trying to find the king, and find out why he launched the missile.)


Also, the Blackdragon Kingdom which is the capital Oblivion worldspace is actually a huge desert. With a huge castle in the center of it.


Plus, the twilight king is quite powerful than you imagine. His attacks are more devastating than mine. That's why it's best we wait for the final hour. We should progress this like a story. Not a very quick one. No sad endings either.

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Sooo...I'm in the gate? :huh:


Well, if that's what you choose, then yes you are. You just found yourselves in a desert canyon as the entry to the Kingdom. The rest of the landscape is desert planes.

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