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Shadow being semi-arrogant, argues with Slyther to let him in the gate. He eagerly waits a chance to prove worthy enough to enter.
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Shadow being semi-arrogant, argues with Slyther to let him in the gate. He eagerly waits a chance to prove worthy enough to enter.


"Patience, Shadow, PATIENCE!! You try my patience when you're impatient! You need to find the sword of aeons before entering the realm! We need to gain strength in order shall I open the gate. You have no idea what you're up against, Shadow." Slyther convinced him.


Meanwhile in the Blackdragon Kingdom.....


The two ninjas reach to the top of the Blackdragon King's throne. Then the dark lord began explaining his words... "You two are very persistent. You do not yet realize your alignment matches mine. Here, I offer this opportunity. Won't you fight alongside us? Fight for a common vision? You say Evil's Digest makes you both the evilest people on Earth. Rumors say that one of you is lesser evil, and the other one of you is true evil. I did not tend to destroy you two, but the reason why I launched the nuke is to rid this,,,, Jefferson Starship of it's pathetic mortals, and their pointless innocent lives. So here, I bear you this opportunity. Join us, or leave us. The choice is yours. But to raise an attack at me, and you'll know what fighting a God is like...", and the Twilight King summons an Oblivion portal in case if they choose to be on their own.

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"I shall search far and wide for the sword of aeons until I shall find it." Shadow took the ship and launches it in search of the sword of aeons.
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"I shall search far and wide for the sword of aeons until I shall find it." Shadow took the ship and launches it in search of the sword of aeons.


"Careful! This sword bears great evil if fallen into the wrong hands. It's a very powerful weapon, and whoever controls it controls the fate of the galaxy." Slyther implied. But then, they both took off, as Slyther began searching in Albion. But then encounters Jack o' Blades in the Witchwood arena. Slyther watches his movements.....

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Nice reference to fable. Awesome game. Anyways, Shadow reaches an uknown planet and lands on it with hopes of finding the sword of aeons. Shall this be the planet is lies in? We shall find out.
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Nice reference to fable. Awesome game. Anyways, Shadow reaches an uknown planet and lands on it with hopes of finding the sword of aeons. Shall this be the planet is lies in? We shall find out.


Heh heh! Ever since I played Fable, I claimed the sword of aeons to be property of Lord Slyther himself! No, no, I don't own the model since it's made from the company who made Fable, I'm just saying the sword of aeons is my character's desired weapon, lol!

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That game was awesome, but I usually never got the Sword of Aeons. I like wearing Jack of Blades mask and killing people. Then realizing, "crappppp i cant take this thing off."
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Few hours later....


Slyther and his men noticed Jack o' Blades wants to try to activate the focus sites, but Slyther tried to stop him, but he disappeared within a second just before Slyther reached the focus site, but he finds a face down with Maze. Maze is tough to kill, but Slyther couldn't reach him, but then finally, Maze seemed to dodge off Slyther's attacks, but he was finally caught off guard, then Slyther attempted to ninja pulverize Maze, and then he gets back up, but before he does, Slyther kicks Maze to the side real hard, knocking him left offside, and breaking his right arm. "Freddy, Shadow, I can use a hand here. I can kill him, but he's way too quick to reach." Slyther said waiting for Freddy and the shadow to show up and help him fight off Maze. Right now, Slyther fights all the screamers Maze keeps summoning.....

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"I'm here, Slyther!" says Freddy, as he leaps into the fray. He takes out his magical flute and uses the sound waves to knock Maze into Slythers direction.


Just when Maze drew towards Slyther, Slyther used his ultra kick to knock him back to the tower, and with a precise shot, Slyther fired his platinum desert eagle at Maze's foot. Then he was down. "You haven't got much time..... He's using the key to activate the focus sites,,,, all over Albion.... Then,,,, the sword will be his,,,, and it'll be too late....." said Maze as he was bleeding to death during the powerful impact of the platinum bullet Slyther shot into him. "We need to stop him!" Slyther said as his allies followed him and went after Jack.

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