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The Snow Arena


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"The damn cursed blade! The sword of aeons! But if it's in good hands, nobody should be threatened by evil. I hereby, with the hands of light, hold the sword of aeons for everyone's own good!" said Slyther as he hold it up in the sky in victory and valor. "Shadow, we have the sword of aeons, but I have troubling news. We need to find Link in Hyrule! It's on my planet, but I'm headed there right now. We require both the master sword and the sword of aeons to once again open the portal to the Blackdragon Kingdom! We also need the entire triforce. Which means Zelda also must come, and we're gonna bag the foolish Ganondorf." Slyther said to the shadow on the radio. "And where's Shadow? I don't mean the shadow. I mean the other one. My girl." Slyther asked Freddy.... "She's taking a while, but she'll be here. I overheard your conversation about my help." Link greeted Slyther in surprise along with Zelda. "Great! Where's Ganondorf?" Slyther asked Link. "Why? What do you want from that pigs**t?" he asked. "We need the triforce of power to once again form the Blackdragon Capital Oblivion Gate." Slyther said. "I think I last saw him at Aleswell." Link said. "Righto!" Slyther said, and they hop aboard the Longsword of Judgment as it arrives, and Slyther finds Shadow(the other one, not shadowace's character.) controlling it for him. "This is awesome! We're gonna kick his ass!" Link shouted in excitement as he witnessed Slyther's vessel. "She's a powerful ship! She's got real powerful shields, and she can penetrate any building, but we're smoking out Aleswell! We need to take Ganon alive!" Slyther said. They travel to Tamriel, and landed at Aleswell. USF tengus rappel from the hangar, and land on the roof. "Let 'er rip!" Shadow said. "With pleasure...." Slyther responded back. They used the chainsaw to rip the roof open, and tengus toss the smoke in, and the Hyrule SAS arrives at Link's order, and they move in to capture Ganondorf, but they couldn't find him. Then suddenly, BOOOOOM! Aleswell blew up, and Ganondorf was laughing like a maniac, because he wounded Link and Zelda. Zelda turned into Sheik, but was still wounded. Ganondorf grabbed Sheik by the throat, but Slyther whacked Ganondorf behind real hard. Ganondorf said "Hey! How is it you have much strength than me?!", then Slyther responded "Looks like you had a hard life. Good thing it's over.", and with that, WHACK! Slyther boots Ganondorf in the face.
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The Shadow after mercylessly killing everyone on this planet inhabits it for himself. He calls the planet Formalius. The name for his old planet where his genetic material was found, to create The Shadow.
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The three triforces form together, and Link holds up his master sword, and Slyther holds his Sword of Aeons. With them all together, the earth quakes as the huge gigantic Blackdragon Gate once again forms together. Is everyone ready for the epic battle that lies before us?
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Is everyone ready for the epic battle that lies before us?


"Hell yeah!" Link shouted...

"I'm with you, sir." The gold knight said to Slyther...

"Go for it." Shadow said...

"Hurrah!" said one of Slyther's soldiers...

"Be careful." Zelda said to Link as she stood there waiting for Link's return....


Everyone goes inside the gate, and Slyther finds himself in the Blackdragon desert along with the people by his side....

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The gate opens but before the heroes can enter, a soldier notices a strange circular glass pane. It's texture makes it completely opaque. The soldier looks at it very intently. He hears some sort of scratching coming from the other side, like a cat's claws. The soldier tries to lift it, but it's too heavy. He calls four more men over. Together, they manage to lift the large thing. There's nothing underneath, and the scratching has ceased. They must decide what to do with it...
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The gate opens but before the heroes can enter, a soldier notices a strange circular glass pane. It's texture makes it completely opaque.


"Sir! Look at that! Is that Shadow's cat scratch?" one of the soldiers implied as he examined it....

"Hey! Focus! We got a job to do! Get in the gate!" Link said to the soldier....


The squad moved in....

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"BWAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!!!" Bowser laughed manically, when Link found Mario confronting Bowser. He thought he can use a hand, so Link stabbed his master sword right through Bowser's belly. "BWAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAH, khhurrraaggh! *cough* *cough* NOOOOOOOOOO!!! I WILL GET THESE PLUMBERS!!!" Bowser said, falling gravely wounded to the ground causing an earthquake due to his giant size. "Gimme that!" Mario said grabbing Link's gold desert eagle Slyther gave to him, and shot Bowser in the forehead, blowing his brains out. "Thanks, Link! I owe you one!" Mario said thankfully. "No problem, bud! How's Peach? Is he doing ok, or w,w,w, WAIT A MINUTE!! What am I doing?! Now's not the time to talk! We need to catch up with Sly's army!" Link said, "It's ok. Peach has been bagged from Dark Lord


also." Mario said to Link. Mario then join Link's squadron Delta Team Squad of the USF marines. "Let's get Peach outta here! Nobody stays behind!" Link said to Mario. "Alpha Team, come in! Do you read me? Over?" Mario implied on the radio. "You better hurry your asses, Delta. We're about to enter the Blackdragon castle!" Slyther responded to Mario's call. Few hours, they regrouped, and the Blackdragon soldiers held the giant war gate closed, which is the entry to the Blackdragon I-SDF HQ. A thousand snipers were in position. Slyther orders local airstrikes on the castle's co-ordinates until the war gate opens....

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The Shadow quickly warps to the gate and goes inside, right at the last minute. (I'm going off now so feel free to use The Shadow anyway u want)
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