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The Snow Arena


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@ Slyther: You don't seem to understand the word "imply" as you are using it in the same manner as "say." Imply means to say something that suggests something else. Link

Also, how, exactly, do you expect an air strike to attack something in another dimension? The coordinates mean nothing if you're in a different plane of existence.


Slyther's army waited outside the gates. They split up and began looking around for a possible back or side entrance when one of the soldiers saw what appears to be a bipedal fish walking through the sands. He turned to tell another soldier, but when he turned back, it was gone. On the other side of the castle, the search party saw a mass of bats swarm around a cave. They returned to the the main group and told Slyther about the cave saying that the castle might connect up to it underground.

Slyther sent another search party to probe around in the cave and see what they could find. The party began walking towards the cave, but it took longer than expected. The flat, plain desert adds little to no contrast with the cave, and the apparent abnormally large size of the bats and cave made it seem closer that it really was. The scouts approached and found that the bats weren't bats at all; they were instead a strange un-identified creatures that looked part man and part bat. The creatures didn't appear hostile, though. They were more concerned with an apparent entity or entities inside the cave. The cave was too dark, however, to see whatever it was from the outside, so the scouts approached the entrance. The hysteria of the bat-things frightened the men but they pushed on, slowly but surely. As they neared the large hole, a giant tentacle shot out, grabbed one of the men, and pulled him in. From inside the cave could be heard terrible screams followed by a large crack, and then silence. The others were paralysed in fear and couldn't move. A tentacle again shot out, grabbed a second soldier and presumably killed him, too. The remaining soldiers finally mustered up enough strength to run away as fast as possible. However, they were followed: a huge creature with big, muscular legs, four arms each with sharpened claws, expansive leathery wings, and a bulbous head mounted with about 30 dreadful tentacles on the front of the face hiding the mouth underneath. It had two evil eyes staring right at the fleeing soldiers. All-in-all, it was about 80 feet tall. When it left the cave, the bat-like creatures scattered in a loud and obviously frightful chatter.

The men foolishly ran back to the main group with the horrendous beast in hot pursuit. As they neared the castle, the defenders began attacking the creature, as well. Apparently, it was no ally of them. The attacks seemed to do nothing, however. It shrugged off bullets, and lasers bounced right off. Bombs were launched, but when the smoke cleared, the creature had sustained no damage. The defenders flew right from the walls, abandoning their posts, and taking refuge inside the castle. The monster neared the main encampment...

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This monster sounds vaguely Lovecraftian, Ninja. Is it meant to be Cthulhu, or another of Lovecrafts creatures?



Freddy watched the soldiers get slaughtered by the creature, and, deciding he was out of his league, quietly slipped out of the battle and summoned the Jefferson Starship.

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This monster sounds vaguely Lovecraftian, Ninja. Is it meant to be Cthulhu, or another of Lovecrafts creatures?

Cthulhu only has two arms and doesn't have wings. Also, he only has about 12-15 tentacles. Lastly, his head isn't bulbous; it's elongated. However, it is [greatly] based of of a Lovecraft story. This scene, along with the glass window I mentioned earlier, are both [greatly] based of of one of the stories in The Watchers Out of Time. I don't remember exactly how the story depicts the monster, so I made that up, but the rest is almost identical...even the cat scratching. :P

So the monster is just that, a monster, like Dagon or Hydra; it's not any sort of Elder God or anything.

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Ah, thank you for clarification! You must forgive my ignorance, I only recently began reading H.P. Lovecraft, and I have not yet had time to absorb the details.


Freddy flew the Jefferson Starship back to his floating fortress, deciding to wait until he was needed to make a move.

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"S**t! We're losing men!" Link said to Slyther. "Defeat that monster! No one gets left behind!" Slyther said to Link, giving him a rocket launcher. Then the fearsome monster showed itself out of the giant hole, instead of firing a rocket right away, Link jumped onto it when i was flying, and lauched a rocket in it's eye, then mounted off as the explosion started to take effect. Link kept repeating the same attack sequence until the monster was defeated. There were only 2 soldiers remaining. Both of them were females serving the USF, and of course of the shadow siren race, and they were terrified, but Link called a pelican to take them back.


Meanwhile in Blackdragon HQ....


Slyther and Mario battle their way to Lord Blackdragon's throne, but then, the two were surrounded by 6 Blackdragon knights. Very powerful and armored knights, which Mario couldn't possibly take out otherwise. So then, Slyther leaps up to the ceiling, grabbing Mario by his hand, then jumping behind the knights, and then Slyther pushes back Mario, and Slyther casts his anhiliator hadoken power piercing the might of the Blackdragon knights with an incredible beam of power. "You alright, Mario?" Slyther asked. "Yeah, I'm alright." Mario responded.


Btw : I know what imply means. I just misspoke.


Edit : I fixed it.

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Zelda closely examines the opaque glass, she noticed the cat scratch on it. She stood on top of it, and then, the glass formed into a box, trapping Zelda inside. "You were foolish to step on that platform. Now, you must abide by my power!" the Blackdragon King said announcing on Earth, and taking Zelda's imprisonment to his throne.

...That glass isn't controlled by the Blackdragon King...It's from an ancient society of Cthulhu worshipers from Laos, I think. And it's purpose isn't even that of a trap; it's a window, nothing more, nothing less.

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Slyther tries to reach Freddy by radio, and ask him for additional support. While he is, Link has finally caught up with Slyther. Mario was bagged from behind while Slyther and Link wasn't looking. The Blackdragon I-SDF tengus began to surround Slyther's area. Link and Slyther managed to kill a thousand of them, but suddenly, the tengus gave up, and there came Ganondorf. "You thought I was bagged? Heh heh heh heh! Man, I haaaate waiting" he said, "You've been waiting, but still don't make you the real enemy behind the lines. So what did Lord Blackdragon do with Peach, smartass?" Link replied to Ganondorf, "She's imprisoned in a dimensional prison with a magical box holding her under Lord Blackdragon's influence. But I have the triforce of power! I shall be victorious!" Ganondorf laughed hysterically, "I'm gonna own you, b**ch. No matter how many times we do this." Link said, because he knew he would always win. "Link, take care of Ganondorf! I'm going to proceed forward!" Slyther said wishing Link good luck. Link used the ninja kick that Slyther taught him, and he kicked Ganondorf right to the side, breaking Ganondorf's left arm. "You see? I'm better than you, Ganons**t." Link laughed at Ganondorf. Ganondorf was taking serious damage, and he looks like he's in a lot of trouble. He might be barely conscious due to Link's incredible power passed from Slyther onto him. Link then cut Ganondorf's head off, not sealing him away, but killing him. This is the last time Hyrule has ever heard of Ganondorf.


Slyther encounters two knights guarding the Blackdragon King's throne entry. Standing right beside the giant wooden decorated door, not aware of Slyther's hidden presence, then Slyther dual wielded his 2 platinum desert eagles. Like the matrix, Slyther jumps forward in slow motion, shooting both of the knights in their vital organs, killing them. Slyther then opened the final gate, and confronted the Blackdragon King at last.....

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Freddy quickly powered up the Starship, and blasted off to join Lord Slyther. When he arrived, Slyther was just about to enter the gate. Freddy quickly got his attention, and joined his party of adventurers.


I believe I meant the giant door. So, I just thought I might include that. If you were at the gate, then forgive me for my misunderstanding what you meant.


Freddy's party and Slyther's army reunited together. "TENGUS!!! They aren't ours!" Link shouted in surprise. "Freddy, hold them off! I'll battle the King! Besides, he's got a huge price to pay, and I'm collecting that bounty. He ain't touching Shadow-cat!" he said, and while everybody was fighting Lord Blackdragon's federal army, Slyther entered the throne room. He found Mario, and Peach as prisoner. "We meet again, Slyther, King of the Sniperdragon Kingdom! Fate has foretold your arrival...." Lord Blackdragon greeted Slyther as he enters the throne room. "Do you see now, Slyther? The moment of salvation is at hand." the King of Twilight said to Slyther. "Will not last!" Slyther replied back at him aggressively, holding the sword of aeons in his hand. "Before you stop my salvation, understand this. Shadow was drunk that day 500 years ago. When I came back home, she attacked me, which is telling me she doesn't care for me anymore as her brother, so I torched her home under my wrath, and then darkness swarmed her, making her mind haunted with anger, hate, and twisted evil. She turned to the dark side just for the sole purpose of trying to take me down. That was only temporarily until you choosed to guard her and protect her as long as she stands on Earth. Why? Because you seen the goodness and innocence inside her, and you chose to fend me off because of it. But enough said. Tonight, one of us will prevail and rule the Earth with an iron fist, and the other will suffer in vein." the Blackdragon King said constructively, as Slyther drew his sword of aeons against the dark lord


Blackdragon, and then


drew his darksun sword which has the same abilities as the sword of aeons. The long fight began as Slyther drew the first strike.....

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"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu Rl'yeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"


The Lord was angry at Link for killing His servant. He sent His armies to avenge that death.


As Slyther and Blackdragon were fighting, screams could be heard outside. There were no sounds of battle, just sounds of death. The castle began shaking as if under attack by a giant. The ceiling crashed in and a huge protoplasmic blob fell though crushing anything in it's path. It was quickly followed by dozens more. One of the creatures formed an arm from the tar-like slime and smacked Slyther and Blackdragon out of the way. They both flew into the wall, crashed through, and fell to the earth. The group slowly dragged themselves over towards Link. More kept pouring in from the hole in the ceiling.

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