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The Snow Arena


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Again, Ninja's Ninja Dodging ability kicks in, and he dodges the ice sword. He also Ninja Parries Freddy's attack and knocks the icicle to the ground. At the same time, he uses his Ninja Stealth to steal the sword from Freddy. And just then, the sword shatters in Freddy's hands from the Ninja Aura of Awesomeness. Ninja then performs a Ninja Kick at the back of Freddy's legs causing him to drop the blade. Ninja then grabs it up and Ninja Attacks Freddy. Ninja then picks up the now fallen sword and Ninja Attacks Freddy. With the icicle now in Ninja's possession, he Ninja Attacks Freddy. Ninja then uses his Ninja Forging technique to instantly fix the broken sword, after which he uses it to Ninja Attack Freddy.
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Freddy, being confused by seemingly multiple attacks happening at the exact same time, uses his Musician's Legs ability (Drums make great excercise tools!), and leaps into the air high above Ninja. Knowing he cannot evade the master of evasion for long, he formulates a plan. Taking out a small piccolo, he plays a short tune. A distant rumble begins. The Arena is quickly swarmed by crazed roadies! In the chaos and confusion, Freddy manages to slip away, and begins the serious planning. What he needed was.... A Fortress. Defying human limitations, he quickly built a large Snow Fortress, complete with Snow Rocket Launchers on the battlements and Anti-Snow Charges at the base of the wall. He awaited the inevitable assault.



Let the battle begin in earnest.

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Crazy roadies were everywhere! Ninja couldn't do anything, lest he be pummeled to a scratch. Ah, but he had an idea, a great idea, a Ninja Idea. He quickly Ninja Coerced all the insane roadies and turned them into Ninja Crazed Roadies. Ninja then gave a Ninja Order to them all and they Ninja Swarmed Freddy's new fortress. Ninja stood back and let out an evil Ninja Laugh.
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Freddy had been enjoying the sight of the roadies trampling Ninja, when, all of a sudden, they turned towards Freddy himself! Freddy quickly came to the conclusion that Ninja was controlling their minds. Hurrying to his command center, he ordered his Snow Computer Weapon Systems to fire on the crazed roadies. His rockets destroyed hundreds at a time, but to no avail. For every roadie killed, there were ten more. The unstoppable force continued towards Freddy's Fortress, intent on killing him. Freddy realized he would never be able to stop the army he had summoned. He ran down into the garage and chose his vehicle. Yes.... It would do. He made the necessary preparations and broke through the garage door with his McLaren F1, specially modified for Snow Wars.


When he was a safe distance fromthe fortress, he pulled out a small metal rod. And pushed the red button on top of it. The Fortress which Freddy had finished building not half an hour ago exploded, annihilating the roadies. Freddy chuckled and accelerated his car. He needed a new plan, and Ninja could strike at any moment.

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Ninja then Ninja Time Traveled to ten minutes ago. He made a Ninja PB&J Sandwich which he placed on a table. Then, after Ninja Returning to his normal time, Ninja Ninja Killed the Ninja PB&J Sandwich and Ninja Ate it.


That was a good sandwich.

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OOC> Wow. That was..... unexpected. But cool.


Freddy drove for a long time. He saw a sign- "NEED HELP WITH NINJAS? CALL 1-800-NNJAKIL!"


Skeptical, he pulled out his cell phone and called the number. A short time later, a grin slowly spread across his face. Ninja would never expect this.


But first, Freddy had a rotisserie chicken. Mmmmmm.... Chicken!*



*This message brought to you by the Poultry Farmers of America. Buy more chicken.

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*SMACK* Ninja gets hit in the back of the head and falls face down. "What in the--!?" He says getting up and Ninja Rubbing his head. Ninja turns around and sees a giant pop-up, "BY MORE CHICKEN!"

"D*** ads..." Ninja grumbles under his breath.


Ninja begins Ninja Building a small snow barrier along with a pile of snow balls. He then activates his Ninja Infrared Vision and scans the horizon for possible targets. He sees someone walking ad holding four circular object. Smirking, Ninja picks up a snow ball, turns it into a Ninja Snowball, and Ninja Throws it with accurate precision almost twelve miles away at the victim.

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As Ninja is sniping his enemy, gman021 comes up from behind and (with super strength) drops a snowball the size of a monster truck on his head from 5 miles up (with the power to fly), burying him under A TON (an actual ton) of slushy snow. :bunny:
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Ninja's Ninja Intuition pops up and warns Ninja of the oncoming snow. He Ninja Dodges the snowball then throws a flurry of Ninja Snowballs at the attacker. He uses Ninja Telekinesis to send the giant snowball back to where is came from. He Ninja Intimidates the giant snowball sending it flying back in fear to where it came from. He Ninja Kicks the snowball sending it back to where it came from. He casts Ninja Shield which conjures up a pale blue sphere to form around him that the large snowball bounces off of and flies back to where it came from.


After that, Ninja continues to Ninja Scan the horizon for possible targets.

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