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The Snow Arena


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OOC: Ninja, why are you building redundancies into your posts?


Freddy had been observing this from a distance. He decided the time for hiding was over. He almost decided to sneak behind Ninja, but of course, that would be impossible. Who can sneak up on the master of stealth? Freddy opted for a more direct approach. While Ninja was still distracted, Freddy used his Musician's Fingers ability once more to build a Snow Bazooka. Loaded with an Anti-Snow Rocket, he fired straight towards Ninja's head.

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OOC: Ninja, why are you building redundancies into your posts?

I wouldn't say it's redundant in the same way that I'm sure you wouldn't say it's redundant that you keep doing everything with music. Though, I guess I'll lighten up on it a bit...



Unfortunately for Freddy, Ninja has a Ninja-Anit-Anti-Snow Field of Anti-Snow and Ninja-Anti Snow Repulsion. The anti-snow rocket bounces harmlessly away. However, once the anti-snow rocket touched the snow covered ground, the anti-snow and the snow reacted violently destroying both and blowing up everything within 40 miles...except Ninja who Ninja Teleported to a spot exactly 40.1 miles away. Ninja then used his Ninja Powers of Impossibility to instantly create his Ninja Fortress of Doom and Cookies but Mostly Doom. He then sat on his Ninja Throne and ate a Ninja Candy Bar.

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I don't mean the Ninja-Blank thing. That's your character, the same way Freddy is a master musician. I mean the part where you give four different explanations as to how Ninja escapes. Just saying, you gave exactly four reasons as to why the snowball returned to it's owner. I don't really mind, just curious.


Freddy stood there, jaw gaping. "WTF?!?!", he exclaimed. "Stupid friggin' Ninjas.... Always doing impossible things.. Screw it. I'm going home." WIth that, he began the long journey home. Unfortunately, he was stopped bye a large donkey. Once more, he exclaimed, "WTF?!?!?!".

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Actually, it was five, but that's beside the point.



Just then the donkey spoke, "Ah ha! I am not a donkey, I'm horse." He then stood up and unzipped his donkey costume revealing a horse.

"But I'm not really a horse either; I'm a dog." *unzip*

"I'm not a dog at all, though; I'm your mother." *unzip*

"I'm afraid to say, I'm not even your mother; I'm Bill Clinton." *unzip*

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman...I mean, I'm not Bill Clinton; I'm Ninja." *unzip*


*Ninja Sneak Attack!*

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My mistake.


"Ah s***!", exclaimed Freddy. He attempted to dodge Ninja, but was caught off balance. Ninja threw him to the ground and began beating the heck out of him. Freddy knew he wouldn't last long. He managed to pull out his piccolo, and played a short tune. Ninja remembered what had happened last time, and quickly snatched the tiny instrument out of Freddy's hands. It was too late. A horde of the scariest creatures imaginable was already heading for Ninja. That's right.... Snowcrabs.

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"By the gods! Not...not snowcrabs! A ninja's only...wait...ninja's don't have any weaknesses. Whatever."


Ninja used his Ninja Musical Talent to play the piccolo he had just stolen. However, the magic seemed to be with Freddy and not the instrument, so Ninja only succeeded in playing the best piccolo performance known to man. So, Ninja crushed the piccolo to dust and Ninja Teleported to safety in his Ninja Fortess of Doom and Cookies but Mostly Doom. Just then, however, he remembered...


"D*** it! Ninjas don't have any weaknesses! I just Ninja Teleported for nothing! Whatever..."


Ninja used his Ninja Booming Voice of Plot Devices to speak/shout to/at Freddy despite being miles and miles away, "YOU WIN THIS ROUND, FREDDY, BUT I WILL RETURN! MARK MY WORDS. I WILL RETURN..."

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Freddy merely replied, "Yeah, well. I'm shaking in my boots now." His attempted sarcasm failed to hide the fact that his knees were knocking together quite loudly.



Freddy walked for a while. Then, he had a picnic. Lots of chicken.

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Suddenly, firecrabs came out of nowhere, and went right at Freddy, trying to kill him, but firecrabs are no match for snowcrabs....
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Ninja, having one level of ranger class, has a favoured enemy which happens to be Favoured Enemy: Slyther. Ninja grins because he has a +1 damage bonus which, being multiplied by his class feat Ninja Awesomeness, is actually a +300 damage bonus. He then Ninja Teleports behind Slyther and back stabs him with a Ninja Sneak Attack. There is no hope for survival. Slyther is hit so hard, that he is knocked out of the Snow Arena forever.
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Mods, sorry about earlier. I'm just really upset because Ninja Lord was PMing me last night giving me sarcasm, saying stuff like I'm "Ninja's Enemy" and other stuff, and I don't like arguing with him. I don't like arguing at all. But I cleaned the offensiveness from this post. I'm just angry and depressed right now, and I don't like starting any trouble on these forums. I respect this forum, and I have no personal dislike of anyone on this forums. But Ninja just got me worked up, and that's why I acted out just now. But whatever happens, I apologize for my hostile actions. I really don't like getting violent, and I have nothing against anybody, but it's often things that get me flamed up. Overall, I could be friends with anybody on this forum. I try to be respective to other people as I can on these forums. But I got anger issues, and I don't like using them against anybody, but I can take so much heat from one person I could just feel like he deserves everything I got on me, which I don't like doing. I'm guilty of a crime, and I admit that.


Now on to the fight.


God + King + Everything = King of Gods


Slyther ignores his imagination, then transforms to Ultimate Slyther, and with his mighty force, he grabs Ninja Lord, and throws him towards a wall. Then Ninja Lord saw the God brothers and sisters of Lord Slyther standing beside him, together, they form their power against Ninja. Then Ninja gets smited. Then Ninja Lord was fatally wounded. Slyther drew the final anti-ninja attack towards Ninja, and destroyed Ninja Lord. In Ninja's destruction, the Sphere of Awesomess exploded, and peace in the snow arena is once again at hand.

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