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The Snow Arena


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*Acrid arises from his pee


*hmmm I'm going to build a new kingdom now


*with no-one to stop him Acrid builds a new kingdom, with ice walls and more automated ice-bolt machine guns, as well as a missle silo inside the walls with only conventinal long and medium and short range missles


*Army of dry-ice Shades summoned

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**An aged tree, starts to bend and shake... it slowly changes into a person, that person being !! <music> dundundun </music> Faust!**


**Faust asks for natures protection, vines from the ground create a dome around Faust. A small slit appears and Faust walks out, grabs a large pile of snow... creates a moderatly large snowball, soaks it in a nearby stream**


**Throws the icey snowball and hits Acrid in the "rearend"**

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Acrid receives an enchanted email. It is blank. The microscopic flea bites him so gently he cannot notice. He is instantly infected with the illusion that he must be nice to everyone no matter what they do to him.
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*Acrid creates Ice phantoms to mimic himself and acrid runs away to hide, Now Acrid look-a-likes are everywhere in and around Acrids castle.


*Acrid now in a strangely kind mood sends out female ice shades to party with everyone

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*Ancalagon wakes with a start, he is covred in snow and has a bit of stubble on his chinny chin chin, he makes a quick glacne at his cronometer and then quietly proclaims:


'Oh, happy birthday to me'


*He gets up, and using his newly obtainekeen Elven eyes spies a Ice Casino/Kingdom of might and power 150 leagues away (I eat CARROTS).


'No time for me to have my cake and eat it'


*He mutters, and begins to walk towards the fortress/Casino. Our hero wonders if it is an Indian Casino, so he can actually gamble a bit. Shivering, he pulls his uber coat around him tighter as the wind begins to pickup, swirling snow about his feet. Overhead the stars start to come out like brilliant diamonds.

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