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The Snow Arena


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*Acrid travels up his tower and moves his Dooms day nuke into earth1, relizing it's a dud the blast would be little more than to seperate the plants a little.


*the missle explodes and Acrid searchs for Armienia in hopes of making an alliance and moving the battle away from his castle


*Just then Future Acrid steps through a time rift and give present-day Acrid a Amulet of resurection, and a sword named the male without a father Sword of Damnation, then Future Acrid says "I have slain the dark one in the future, absolute power is yours!"


*Future Acrid disapears back into the rift and Acrid is left with this destiny, but can not know if it is true, Acrid wants peace now, but his destiny is war.

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*Acrid reinforces his castle with ice pillars and ice-steel rods that form a new castle upside down on top of the new one, one on each planet, any who go to earth1 must go through me!
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*Acrid's castle stands unaffected by the oafs attempts to beat it down,

tired of Shin's attacks Acrid apears before him and slashes him with the male without a father sword of Damnation a 1000 times and eats his remain's pooping them out in a deep hole in the ground.


*Acrid creates a ice storm that surround his castles, the storm cannot be passed by any means, and anyone who gets clos is obliterated!

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*Acrid needed the cool down, thanks he replied, but your supposed to be dead. Acrid freezes shin and throws him a million miles away


* while shin is away Acrid build s shin a castle of his own so he will leave Acrid alone


*Acrid diapears into his ice storm and goes to sleep, till tommorow you crazy bastards

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