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The Snow Arena


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Time to enslave everyone...and Im a MAN

"Nick, sorry, HE opposes you!" the soldier said. "Time to enslave him! AHHAHAH" Nick said. SEND the falming swordsmen out. They will easily melt the enemy!" HE marched them out. SEND TEH SNOW NINJAS OUT! :ninja: :ninja:

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SEND THE SWORDSMEN OUT!!! He beats NECROMANCER and continues to the enemys palace! :drag: :drag: :drag: :drag: :drag: :mage: :pirate: :pirate: :pirate: :nuke: :starwars: :starwars: :starwars: :starwars: :whoops: :whoops: :whoops: :wallbash:
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AND NOW, he just gobbles up enemy mages, and walks around. :mage: :mage: :mage: :mage: :mage: :mage: :mage: :mage: :mage: :mage: :miner: :miner: :miner: :miner: :miner: :miner: :sorcerer: :sorcerer: :sorcerer: THe miners get money for HIM!
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XanAlderon politely asks nick whether he can join his glorious campaign.

"well, whats your answer, sir." His messanger asked. "Sure! I would glady let him join. Set him in charge of Fort SnowBurn. There he will command 30 men. He can be a campaign general!" Nick said.

REgions controlled: 23 :thanks:

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Nick waits for someone to attack. "HEY!!! ANYONE THERE!!!!??? LETS FIGHT!, COWARD!!""" *We calls in scout planes. They see some enemies. The planes go too fast, and melt down* *Nick orders the ICE MACHINE GUN 3001 to shoot there. He captures the region! 24 regions controlled.
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XanAlderon squeals with joy at his new power then relising he should be pretending to be tough puts on an angry face.


"Alright men lets shoot these enemies" XanAlderon yells. But XanAlderons men pay no heed to their weak and cowardly commander instead running into the middle of the warzone and building an igloo.


XanAlderon's old men have started the new army in town the "ihateXanAlderonhereallystinks" gang.

They erect defenses outside their impenetrable if not very well made fortress, in the form of a "KEEP OUT" sign.


the "ihateXanAlderonhereallystinks" gang awaits the enemys or XanAlderons next move.

Disappointed by XanAlderons next move which involves burying himself in snow they instead wait the enemies move.

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