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The Snow Arena


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Nick takes 10 HEavy Legionares, and asks XanAlderon to come with him and take over the region owned by rebels and pirates.

Regions controlled: 23

Money: 20,000 gold

Soldiers: 200 (4-5 in each region)

Allies: 1-XanAlderon

Enemies: 1-NecromancerG

Agents: 3-1 spy, 1 assassin, and 1 diplomat

Fleets: 2, 10 on each ship.

Odds of Battle: 10 soldiers-20 soldiers

Nick: Heavy legionaries, Rebels: 4 archers, 10 spearmen, 1 general.

Odds: 6.4-3.1

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"wow" shouts XanAlderon looking dreamilly at his new found army.




XanAlderons heavilly armed men obey without question and do his bidding.


(XanAlderon in the middle of the field surronded by troopers, and not a suicide bomber squirrel in sight)

Nick writes a letter to XanAdleron


Dear General XanAdleron,

I give you with this letter 1000 gold. Now, you have 1,500 gold. USe it to get more troops. Would you like to help me attack the rebels. We both control all the region I have and you have. Also, each man is 100 for light, and 200 gold for heavy. Sincerely,

General Nick

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XanAlderon stares at the money "yaaaay" he yells "I am finally rich!"

"oy wheres our pay?" one of the legionares of XanAlderons army rudely question him


"where is it?

"I want my money?" the rest growl.

"uhhhhh" XanAlderon splutters "this is for the battle, Supreme general Nick gave it to me himself"

"if you do not pay us our fare share each we will leave you to the mercy of necromancer G"

"fine, fine Heres your money" XanAlderon sighs

XanAlderon hands each of his 15 legionares 100$ leaving him with absolutely nothing.

"daam" XanAlderon shouts "alright men lets march on!"


(march, march, march, march)


"oy sir take a look a this!"

"a look at what?"

"at this sir"


XanAlderon walks over "what is it?"

"I beleive it is a Snowdigger sir"

"and what does it do?"

"dig snow sir"

"why will this help us?"

"sigh, we can dig under the enemies defenses"

"so why haven't you started!"

"because I'm talking to yo.......whatever"


XanAlderons men start the snowdigger and XanAlderons entire army as well as himself enter the hole


(XanAlderon and his men are underground digging towards the enemys base)


"send one of the men out to tell Supreme General Nick of our activities" XanAlderon commands

"yes sir"


A lone soldier comes out of the hole and starts the dangerous trek to Nicks army

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"Well men, the land you see today has been destroyed by us!!! We will conquer this land!" Nick says.

HE has a HUGE army! He challenges YOU to fight him, or r u a chicken?

:drag: :drag: :drag: :drag: :drag: :drag: :drag: :drag: :drag: :drag: :drag: :drag: :drag: :drag:

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