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The Snow Arena


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XanAlderon gets bored of Marcus wolfe's broadcast half way through and blows up the screen with a ground to annoying broadcast missile.


Then XanAlderon directs his men and their snowdigger to the closest of the recently lost bases and underground, circles the base many times. The snow under the base is melted and the entire base plunges down underground.


XanAlderon takes the base and sets up a miliary outpost there. He employs the help of some nearby heavilly armored and armed Snow Bunnnies who were more than welcome to help when XanAlderon took their leader hostage.


So with an underground base garrisoned with powerfull snow bunnies Xanalderon and his men change the course of their snow digger to dig towards the evil nicks great army with death in mind. (yes Xanalderons loyaltys change very quickly)

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But XanAlderon and his fifty something man escort are still underground.

The loss of his snowbunnies means nothing to him his precious snowdigger is still running, a little low on fuel but still running.


"hahahahahahahahahahahahaha" XanAlderon chuckles to himself noone noticed the fact that XanAlderon had affixed several tons of Nitrogen snowburnerite to the bottom of his underground lair. He presses the button on the detonator and somewhere an explosion occurs "I hope that killled something"

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But XanAlderon and his fifty something man escort are still underground.

The loss of his snowbunnies means nothing to him his precious snowdigger is still running, a little low on fuel but still running.


"hahahahahahahahahahahahaha" XanAlderon chuckles to himself noone noticed the fact that XanAlderon had affixed several tons of Nitrogen snowburnerite to the bottom of his underground lair. He presses the button on the detonator and somewhere an explosion occurs "I hope that killled something"

Nick is very angry because every one is mean to him. HE enslaves EVERYONE on earth.

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XanAlderon contemplates lifes mysterys and finally it dawns on him, he relizes why we are all here, what our purpose is and what me must do to acheive mental enlightenment.


XanAlderon runs into the middle of the battle "stop, stop my friends!!" he yells

"all this fighting is pointless and stupid please heed my words. If the world is going to survive we must band togeather and stop violence or face a complete and utter ahniliation. All of the worlds problems are caused by humans and yet we still fight and waste precious fuel on tanks, deny starving countrys food and yet hoard it ourselves, please my friends stop the fighting and heed my call"




A hushed silence falls over the battlefield XanAlderon waits in anticipation for a reply.

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