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The Snow Arena


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*Enters snow fight naked* *Runs through snow fight* *Exits snow fight naked*


FloggingMolly reappears fully clothed and pastes XanAlderon in the back of the melon with a well placed toss. The fight recommences....


Then FloggingMolly enters the chambers of the self-proclaimed god-emperor Necromancer G and asks if he can work for him in return for some of the snacks.

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XanAlderon is confused. He wonders how FlogginMolly pastes him in the back of a melon he dosen't have.


Luckilly XanAlderon is underground so being hit by FlogginMolly defies all realms of possibility. Then XanAlderon remembers that there weren't any realms of possibility around in the first place so gives up.

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XanAlderon comes up with a genius master plan.


There is a speical red button set deep within the snow if a living, breathing orgainism touches this button it sets off the "Atom overdrive Virus" This Virus actually eats atoms

and churns them out as floating waste and thus can succesfully destroy all matter.


Nothing is safe from this virus the earth would be obliterated in 27.6 seconds, it would then move on to the galaxy, quickly enveloping everything. And this can all be released with the press of a conveniantly placed button.


XanAlderon is feeling suicidal and to make matters worse for everyone he is underground and digging fast towards the button. HE IS ONLY 4 POSTS AWAY




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XanAlderon inches along......HE IS ONLY 2 POSTS AWAY


Soon all his competitors will be floating waste.



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XanAlderon finishes eating the snow, bunnies and waffles. He explains to Marcus wolf and FlogginMolly that he is yet to press the button to release the virus.





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* Necro G turns around smug in the fact he is alone *


* bam!!!! gets a snowball in the face *


hey boss bet you thought you were safe in here. Next time ya might want to search the place first.


* jumps to safety outside Necro G's dimension *


- Raz

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