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The Snow Arena


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XanAlderon presses the button.


wait.................wait...................wait...............WHY ISN'T ANYTHING HAPPENING!!!


XanAlderon relises it is not powered from the crystilline of the genius, which currently resides on top of danger mountain gaurded by Gorgurt the evil dragon.


"not worth the trouble" XanAlderon thinks to himself "but atleast I made my enemys make all these precautions



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XanAlderon laughs because the Omega doom snowball of doomy doom becomes weighed down with all the dooms in its name and falls to the groung harmlessly.




XanAlderon loses his voice!!


Demands Yakault to make it better



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XanAlderon chucks snowball down moving the sign so it points down, then relising its still pointing at him bursts into tears.



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*Decides that since plan A failed plan B would need to be utilised. Pees on a snowball and lobs it at XanAlderon's face and watchs in satisfaction as the urine soaks into XanAlderon's pores*
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