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The Snow Arena


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Malchik vomits away his hangover. He notices yet another Malchik clone has been attacked on earth and wonders who is producing them. Since he was so drunk he would never have noticed the beating anyway.


He sends an enchanted email to ShinJiOh requesting him to build him an ice fortress with enchanted cavewich girls. The fleas are not attached, still sleeping off the alcoholic blood they sucked from Malchik overnight.


Amazing that all these individuals throwing nuclear snowballs imagine they can build anything indestructable. All Malchik needs to do is roll back time. However he is a benevolent mood and lets them play for a bit longer.

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shin recieves malchik's msg and replies


"malchik i build cavewiches and not castles ask or demand a castle of acrid that is built near an ice mountain then you will have the sweet juicy taste that is the cavewich"


8shin drools on the piece of paper and then teleports it back to malchik

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The Malchik clone (where do they keep coming from? The real Malchik is in another dimension.) is not seriously annoyed. It addresses ShinJiOh. "G'day, mate. You one of those banana-benders as well as spoon benders?"


It eats the snowball.

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*Acrid sees pack rat packing through the wide window in the casino bathroom, and follows them to pack rats secret base


*When Acrid finds pack rat he asked; what are you doing?

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Malchik chortles over the thought that anyone has anything secret in this arena. He sends the enchanted email now covered with ShinJiOh's drool, Acrid's passed water and a squashed bloody flea, straight into the centre of Pack-Rat's domain.


It reads. "Boo!"

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"lord-of-the-universe-evil-plan-number-32458", he replies


*once again the goes out with the seven trucks and loads them up again with snow, once filled he disappeares into the bunker again making sure he locked the door so acrid couldnt follow him this time*

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