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The Snow Arena


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*But Acrid was in a truck and pops ou tof the snow in the back,


Man that was a cold ride!


*Acrid slices through a wall and finds pack rat, now I'll ask once more, what are you doing?!

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Shin? what are you doing here? this is packs rats secret base, it' s suppose to be very secret


*Acrid looks outside to see a giant billboard with a arrow pointing at the base that reads "pack rats secret base"

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Malchik clone is quite enjoining Oblivion OK. It orders a torpedo, cavewiches being unavailable, and wanders into the countryside. It notices the corn is as high as an Ogrim Titan's eye and feels the wind come pushing down the plain. It hitches a ride in a cute little buggy with fringe on the top.


"Where do you want to go?" The driver asks.


"Take me back to the Black Hills, to the beautiful Indian country that I love." The clone replies.


The driver sets a course northwards to Pierre. It will take a little time.


In Utopia it is lunch time. A dusky maiden is offering her melons to Malchik. He pulls down a blind and forbids anyone else to see what he is going to get his teeth into.


A big sign flashes up. "Malchik is out to lunch!"

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*Acrid follows ShinJiOh


There pack rat, look what you've started! happy now?


*Acrid throws a snow ball at Pack rat witch is sound asleep


*Acrid then see's Malchick clones and Acrid inpersonating snow phantoms fighting each other, Acrid realizes he is above such trival scurmishes

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