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The Snow Arena


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*Acrid goes home, but on his way hears gun shots and gangter music coming from Shins castle, Acrid enters and so begins castelvaina, after 70+ hours of quality play time Acrid beats the drug lord and liberates the castle, but shin is over dosed and passed out.


What the freak are you doing on the floor!?


*With his work done here Acrid goes home and disappears nto another dimension

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*a huge flying base leaves the earth and disapears in the clouds making it unable to see. Soon the 6 remaining trucks start to collect snow again. Once they are filled they get beamed up by the flying invisible base. Pack Rat looks trough the window of his office in the secret invisible base*



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When the real Malchik lifts the blind he is exhausted, even though his weapon had been enchanted for extra endurance! Still, with so many juicy melons to slice open it had been well used. He surveys the scene through his scrying glass (second hand). Everyone is asleep, or in hiding, or generally defunct. Perhaps it is a good time to try to discover where all the Malchik clones are coming from. It would be nice to know WHO HAD THE BRAZEN CHEEK! Various forms of torture tickle Malchik's mind but he is a peaceful man at heart and is unlikely to do anything worse than hanging drawing and sixteenthing.


He notices Clone 1 has fallen asleep and is well on the way to New Dehli. He wonders why?

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**Locates a peice of Pack Rats pants that ripped off when Faust stepped on the bottoms**


**Takes the peice of pants and goes back into his Vine Dome. He quickly assembles a "Homing Device". Faust puts both snow, and the peice of Pack Rats pants inside the machine**


**Faust goes back outside, places the snowball on the ground, and quickly runs back inside the dome**


**The snowball lifts off the ground, and searches for his target <Music> Ride of The Valkerye. PACK RAT! </Music>

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*Acrid re-enters the arena and sends three hundred Dry-Ice Shades into the battle between the acrid phantoms and malchick clones


*with the battle hot, Acrid readys and fires three conventinal ice-shard missles at Mojlnir's casino, the missles hit damaging half of the casino's stucture another missle hit the fortress gate another behind it entered the fortress keep and waisted half of it.


*Knowing no-one would want to go to Mojlnir's flaming casino, Acrid opens his own in Acrids castle, along with a amusment park and a surrounding town called Acridvill.


*Acrid sends a message to all, "let us come together under my humble rule and enjoy a future of cooperation and restraint"

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**Tempted by the Castle, Faust leaves his own Vine Dome to search out this castle**


**Once he finds Acrids Castle, he quickly creates a chain snowball gun, he places a tube in the snow (which will feed the gun with a fresh supply of scrumpish snow)**


**Turns the gun on, splattering snowballs all over Acrids Castle**



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Malchik drops a lollipop on top of Acrid. It is pink and sticky with the words 'eat me' inscribed in white icing. It is so utterly irrestistible Acrid eats it in one. He immediately shrinks to a mere speck where upon the flea army beat him into a pulp in revenge for the attack on the Malchik clone. With the flea army regrouped Malchik lopes off to New Dehli to ask the clone where it originated from.


His parting words of advice to the now restored to normal size, bloodied but still living Acrid are "Anything you can do I can do better!" But then he realising that that is another opening to another show.


"Sorry, old tweezer, live under YOUR rule? Eat my dust."


He twiddles the left cufflink of 'get back before you'd even left' and arrives in New Dehli three days ahead of himself.



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*Acrid was shocked nobody accepted his humble invitation, For Acrids rule is kind, just, and helps control every aspect of your life so you don't have to. Acrid relizes that this ungratfulness must be punished! Acrid goes to his workshop and developes any range omega hyper ice nuclear missles of very mass destruction. With the missles built Acrid fires one at Mojlnir's casino, the casino is instantly liquidfied as well as everything else around it, millions die from the blast and many more will from the radioactive snow fall out.


*Acrid laughs as then fires a second missle at the army of Malchiks clones and obliderates the battle field! Acrid waits for a location of Malchick and pack rat.


*Acrid relizes that only through war can he fix the problems of too much free will

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Realising how kind and just Acrid's rule would be from the actions of the said tyrant, Malchik casts reverse time and reinstates everything Acrid had attempted to eliminate.


He then screams into the void "where are these clones coming from?"


He zooms back to New Dehli to await the arrival of his singing clone. This creature is tunelessly intoning something about his girl in Kalamazoo. Although why would anyone look for a girl in a file?

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*Acrid see's his targets not destroyed! but the missles are still ready to fire, this time Acrid directs the missle into the void, The nuke flys into New Dehli, while Malchick wonders about the girl in a file, the nuke explodes and vaporizes everything, new dehli is erased from the world, nothing but a massive mushroom cloud remains and Malchick is obliterted and in purgotory :rip:
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