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The Snow Arena


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*Acrid under-estimated the potentcy of malabo's and passed out after being hit by the snowball, in his dreams he see's the earth blowing up and coming back together, again and again.
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In her fortress of minor evil, Armiena plots her next move. She sees Dijas's automatons arguing over who to attack, and decides to attack him.


She summons a massive golem (Numidium-sized (that is the massive golem everyone wants to control, right?)) and sends it to attack him. It crushes his automatons with its foot. A barrage from her turrets obliterates the area a second later, just in time for the golem to disappear.

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Armiena starts to see the world exploding. "My god..." she gasps.

She goes back to work in her insidious laboratory to try to reverse the explosion. Her only possible solution is a time machine. BUt that's impossible for her to biuld in time.


Finally, she decides to build a fleet of starships to evacuate the universe. She puts her whole army to work, and manages to escape just before the explosion consumes her fortress.

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*Sensing a disturbance in the....something....Ancalagon decides that an extended visit to Purgatory is nescessary. Upon activating the portal he tosses in the baby grand, the Best Big Band in the Universe, the Rocketts, a rather large luxury star cruizer (which runs on, conveniently enough, snow and ice) and Himself.


"Mojlnir, if you wish I will leave the portal open for about two minutes so you better make up your mind if you want to stay here or not. As for me, well, it's been swell and it's been fun, but I gotta bad feeling. Seeing White Wolf take off like that makes me real nervous, so I'm gonna play it safe and not stick around to see what it was that was making him so nervous. See ya"


*Ancalagon downs a tall glass of Cognac, then swipes most of the contents of Milliways' bar into a big sack marked 'swag', throws another snowball at Acrids head, and leaps into the glowing portal. A countdown clock materializes outside of the portal and begins the two minute count.


*Far off, a voice from out of the portal says

'Ok, so this duck walks into a pub...'

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*Acrid awakens after being hit by a snowball, and see's everyone freaking out, "I must have been talking in my sleep and said somthing about the world blowing up again"


*Acrid trys to calm everyone down


*Hey! the earth's is fine both of them, I'm not going to blow them up, I had that power taken from me because the world(s) kept getting blown up... Just then Acrid steps on a kricket ball and it explodes!


*Where am I? ohh no hot pocket?! not purgotory! no!!! why can't I just go to hell!!??

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*Dijas looks to Malchick's clones... all destroyed. And their snow catapults also. Dijas doesn't give up. Now is going to make something more simple and quick to arrange: SNOW MOLOTOVS!!!


*Dijas disappears for a while looking for bottles...

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*shin wakes up next to soimething he cant even determine the gender of"oh my head"


*he quickly realises he is on a small block of ice floating in space immediately he realises what has happened " g!^ D@MN IT ACRID NOT AGAIN"


*shin pulls out yet another spoon, his time spoon and replaces everything as it was befor eth kircket ball with the two earths still connected


"man, i could really go for a cavewich........"

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Malchik opens his eyes and realises the Vogon ship has emptied its cargo, including him, into Deep Space 9. Fortunately a Stargate is floating beside him. Leaping through he finds himself face to face with ShinJiOh lamenting the absence of a cave witch.


"I believe I can set you up with a very attractive witchette." He says while quickly counting the spoons. "She's really wonderful, except she has cold..." He can still not remember which part of a witch is cold. Maybe he'll be able to put his finger on it later.


"If you'd just like to put on these boots of instant vaporisation, I'll sort the little lady out for you in no time."

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