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The Snow Arena


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After i was still amazed from te power of my strike against unavi, i saw thors monkey attacking Unavi with a banana.

I had to laugh loudly cuz the monkey looked ridicolous as he tried to stab Unavi with a banana...

But then, Unavi, Thor and the monkey recoginsed and saw me.

But for luck i wore my nano suit version, what allowed me to get invisible and tio fly around in the air at the same time.

When i flew over thors monkey, my fuel was empty, cuz you know, gas is expensive and i hadnt much money...

So I crash landed on the monkey...

When i was lying on the ground, i just saw the monkeys brain flying at thors head and knocking him out.

Then i heard myself saying "i beat you with your own weapons!"

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with both Thor and MHM apratenly out, i continuet my crusade against weaklings who dare to oppose my authority. Of cousrse there was no-one around, so i focused my rampage on the remians of the fallen....NOT IN A PERVERTED WAY. I burried the corpses 6 feet under the gelid snow. I tough :"this will keep them warm...heh"
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Lol's banana, no he had a AK47 in one hand and a granade in the other, lols at your imagination :verymad: :verymad: :verymad: :verymad: .


Warned me to put shields on.


Plus it went invisible :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:

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Right after unavis thoughts i was able to crawl out of my cold grave like a Zombie...then i started to dance to a song called thriller...well, so i was standing behind unavi, ready to attack him from behind. So i kicked him and reserved him a nice place next to thor. And i heard myself saying "harm set, harm get"...
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