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The Snow Arena


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After CommanderCrazy stole my nanosuit, i ran as fast as i could to attack him.

CommanderCrazy wanted to get invisile and fly away, but he forgot there was no fuel in the nanosuit.

So he was stunned and he couldnt move. He saw me coming closer and closer.

then i put out unavis fly catcher and hit CommanderCrazy, he flew away and noone could see him anymore.

I heard myself saying "yeah, go back where you came from, to the moon!"

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As I fly slowly into the stratosphere, I smack against my spaceship.

I head in through the underside Access Port, Refuel the Nanosuit with Fuel 5.0 (That lasts 600x more than regular)

and take a seat at the cotrols. Back in my own, I set the ship to cruise (thats right, Cruise), and point it down, Flying at half-speed, I see MHM eating a Sandwich.

I Pick up speed & crash on top of Him.

"Eat that, Sucker" I say to myself

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CC crushed me so hard, i got to break into the middle of the earth.

good luck i was wearing CC's space suit, cuz it was built to resist temperatures over 1000000°C...

I began to burn, but it did not hurt me cuz as i already said, i was wearing his suit..

cuz of the heat i was able to run with super speed, so i run the up the hope i made when i got crushed into earth. as i was approaching the snow arena, i saw CC sitting in his spaceship. i ran as fast as i could (again, yeah!) and when i reached his spaceship, the spaceship exploded cuz i was still burning and his spaceship got this fuel 5.0 in it (burns about 300x better than normal gas!). I saw the burning CC flying to the sun.

at least i heard me saying: "i hope you dont get sunburnt!"

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Oh Noes! I say as the "Lifeboat" in my spaceship Launches out of the side and starts zooming towards earth

When I arrive (In a fireball) It melts most of the ground around me.

MHM was in the radius, so he falls into water.

The space suit may resist 10000000000000+ or - degrees, Including Water. So he doesnt freeze.

He just slowly sinks as the oxygen runs out & everyone knows that thrusters dont work underwater &

The suit is too heavy to swim in. (If he takes it off he will literally freeze)

"Oh DAMN!!!" he can be heard yelling in the "lifeboats" secure channel. (The Spacesuit was linked to it)

"Enjoy getting out of this" I respond

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well, unfortunately there was a giant slaughterfish in the water. he got very aggressiive and tried to attack me. he hit me so hard, thaat i flew faster than a cannonball out of the water. i was flying to CC. before i was hitting him with my rusted space suit, i jumped out of it, landing on a smooth snow hill. i stood there and could see my suit hitting

CC from behind. i put on my master chief armor. Finally i put out my spartan laser and CC and his spaceship went down in a big red laser explosion.

I heard myself saying: "Why so red in the face? are you angry?"

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I flew out of the "Lifeboat" in the Ejection seat & landed Right next to MHM.

I Got up and hit him so hard that his Armor cracked. I sprayed a simple, High pressure Water Pistol in there, and he turned into an ugly (Not Implying anything) Ice sculpture.

"Its getting a little Cold in here eh?" I said as I walked away.

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i was laying in the cold cold snow...i couldnt move, I couldn't even think what to do. All i knew was that it was over for me, for my moments of glory and for my noble crusade to become ruler of these lands.

I tough of my loved one that's waitng for me back home...promised her i'll be back....and not in a wooden box. I couldn't dissapoint her... ... ... ... but my vision was fading...i just wanted to close my eyes for a second. I did it...it felt good and calm....unitil a high-pitch beep from my vizor with built in high speed internet connection woke me. It was a PM form a place called the nexus. A distress call from CommaderCrazy. I had to react. Using the last bit of willpower i had i managed to stand up. I looked in the sky and saw the fire of the battle above me - - that energy gave me back all my strength.



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