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The Snow Arena


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ok teleoports back to home and purchases a new teleporter, What 1million >:( ... oh this ones new tech ok gotcha, "scratch's head", reads unlimited uses, yay its a deal,


teleports back to the arena, well lets see how this baby works, ok... hmm, press red button?...All of a sudden it automatically teleports everybody near that black hole that i mentioned earlier.


yay i win :D :D :D :D :D


reads on back, teleports anyone you desire to the nearest black hole :huh:

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i was walking towards CC, coming closer and closer..i could saw Unavi lying there on the ground, CC had a strange smile on his face.

when i was standing in front of CC, i started to attack him, but somehow he managed to block all of my punches and kicks, just like he knew what i was doing next...

but then, CC fell over Unavi. i knew, this is my only chance: I jumped on CC, hitting him, my hands bleeded, but i thought, he must be ko after that punches...

But then, i could feel a cold breath on my neck..


well, unavi is going to continue this i guess...

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He might have Immunity, But he still has been sucked through a Black Hole & is in a different Universe.



Remember i can teleport any where in the universe and beyond...

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Ironically the black hole takes all of you to another dimension, to another a snow arena of all things. You fall from the sky at epic force.


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah as you fall, you make it up from there.


except me of course teleports home...

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