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The Snow Arena


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In the time that i was gone, i have built a ship that's capable of destroying Planets with a touch of a big red button. I call it teleportation drive :thumbsup: as the ship enters orbit i do a few orbital checks, then release the weapon of mass destruction immediately To the exact spot MHM is standing.


By, by MHM and planet :devil: :devil: :devil:


teleports away after firing, :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:






Oh before weapons of mass destruction, i had a robot that i sent down to throw a snowball at you, its designed to self destruct as well after throwing at the attended target witch is MHM.


lol the rest didn't even know what hit them, except MHM :biggrin:

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rising back in time, taking back commandercrazys chaingun an shoots at him...lol...

nah.....lets continue our battle...




i fall to the ground, my face full of snow. its so cold, it feels like my face burns...

but i know i gotta do something.

I stand up, looking at CommanderCrazy, hes laughing at me, pointing his gun at me. then he pulls the trigger. but i can evade the snowballs, cuz i jump away in ninja style...

also in ninja style, my right foot hits CommanderCrazys face.

"Smell good. huh? :huh:" i heard myself saying.

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