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"No worries! I've got a right sock enchanted with 'endless grog supply' 100. When you need anything shout. I'm going walkabout for a while. If you're sparko when I return I'll watch your back for you."


Malchik passes over the sock and goes off to explore the mysteries of a strange vine-covered building he has seen in the distance.

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*20.000 lightyears from earth, the dark lord of the universe ( I've acqainted that title after my latest evil plan B) ) is creating more and more snowstarships.

When the radioman of the ship where he's remaining on informs him of the explosion on earth, he has an unhappy face*


I wanted to blow up the earth...

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*Acrid is now in a plane far far away, as Acrid fly's through space he see's all the planets covered in ice and snow. Then he see's earth, only it's diffrent, it's earth3! Acrid lands on it and materializes alive again, yes I'm alone at last!
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