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The Snow Arena


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The vortex Fifoo witnessed reappears before the cabinet and sucks the lich king into it. Inside the flux one can barely make out a swirl of slush, which strikes the lich king, partially restoring his features.


Out from the vortex emerges zprospero, for that was the lich king's true name, an amalgam of his rotting frame twisted and mutated by Trandoshan's snow virus.




He extends his hand, slightly irked at the delay of retrieving the wafers, but at his touch the cabinet falls into a heap of snow.


In a rage, he summons hideous snow wolves and begins hurling them, like snarling mutant snowballs, after the first creature he sees: vesemir the witcher!

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vesemir just finished watching matrix,

so, under the effect of the movie, he performs a "snow-wolf dodge".


^^something like this, only with snow wolves.

all the wolves hit the rock that was behind vesemir and died from internal brain bleeding.

vesemir turns to zprospero,

and freezes at the horror that was behind him--it was Zombie Santa!


it seemed to have lost his way in all the snow... it went for zprospero's neck and bit it off completely!

heh heh, now even if he survived and became a zombie, he could'nt read these posts or answer them...no eyes! :P

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Brokenergy used a snow cone to fend off zombie vesemir. With the aid of several scientist, BKE made the world first snow man of DOOM!!! to rampage on the citizens of Nexus and with the snow weapons, BKE's army made headway through the snow war.
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"guys, help me out with these! " vesemir said, as Zombie santa and the snowman of doom were fighting each other, but none seemed to die.


vesemir looked behind him, and saw no one was there. (Exept Zprospero's headless body and head, and the bear's remains, and the shattered wolves' heads.)

he thought for a second, then reached out in his back pack and took out an ancient scroll

as he read it, zprospero turned into a headless zombie, his head turned into a head ( :tongue: ) and his wolves turned into hell hounds, and the bear stood up. they awaited Vesemir's orders.


he ordered them to attack the snow man and zombie santa.


he, himself, felt REALLY tired of typing all this Cr**, and went for tea.

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allright i'll make some more.

sheesh. at least tell me if you want some. then i will know i should make more.


anyway, since stuff seem to have cooled down a bit...


30 hungry snow crows manuver in the sky and go for the bear, the zombies, the hell hounds and the snowman.

they rip out their body parts and take em all in the sky.

then they form a gigantic monster made out of feathers the color of bones. the monster takes a deep look in vesemir's eyes, and Roars a tremendous roar.

vesemir stands still for a second.

then, with warmth and a smile on the corner of his lips he says: "Tea?"


the monster freezes at the terror of HOT TEA in all that FREEZING SNOW, and takes a few steps back.


vesemir chuckles, and rests his feet on the table, and watches as the horrific monster turns back from him and attacks MartinTheMage, who had already finished his tea and had nothing to defend himself with... :tongue:

guess you have to break the amulet and become akatosh, martin :biggrin: .

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Whats that bone-coloured monster hurtling towards me?! Ah, its a bone-coloured monster, I should of realised. Well, I've made this lifesize sculpture of versemir the witcher so..... *holds up sculpture to monster* ......*monster turns around and runs the other way* ..... *monster sees real version of versemir the witcher* ..... *turns around and runs the other way* ..... *sees the sculpture* ....... *sees the real* .... *sees the sculpture* ...... *sees the real* ..... *monster is so confused it explodes*

Pheeeeewwwwww :tongue:

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