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The Snow Arena


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Beeing so absorb with revenge you didn't notice that you mishandled a simulacrum of me that I created during your time in the Ice shell. So it only needs you pushing you from behind into the remaining singularity and simply close it and teleporting to my happy place.
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but before that happened, you tripped on your bad grammar and accidentally summoned Cthuhlu who ate your simulacrum's arms off, causing it to not have the means to push me into the rapidly closing singularity, thus foiling your attempts and dooming you to bizarro world where it looks exactly the same as here except everyone is boring and wears gray suits.
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as Cthulhu apears I say "Ngathf, Ngathf lgn'hagw Heyl'r Uhluhtc hfan'wlgm Iulgn'hp, Liwat-ta Rmu'" happy eating Cthulhu! Teleporting away from a very resentful person to my happy place. Bad grammar, hu?
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after causing chutuhlu to explode by utilizing the wushi finger hold, I decide that you may be trapped in your freaky happy world as I proceed to conquer what is left of this one. After a couple weeks, I establish an entire galactic dictatorship, spanning every planet and solar system in this galaxy. By the next month, at least 10 entire galaxies are at my mercy. After one year, I control the entire universe, I kick back and relax on a nice beach drinking a margarita in a coconut with beautiful women fanning me with leaves. And with my limitless technology, I am able to send you a two word message in your dimension, damning you to suffer an eternity. Those words:


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Whilst flying through space at the force of the explosion....

*catches as many snowballs as he can that are flying through the air with him*

*throws them at Silver and Captainscar* "This is every man for himself, you know!"


EDIT: How dare you post while i am posting, krimzin :P

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