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The Snow Arena


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*typing to the sounds of a distinctly intoxicated pianist, Mojlnir's fingers fly over the keys of the Purg-a-tron, and he reachers for a handful of snow to cool the overheated machine*


"Nearly half way done on the first one!" he yells triumphantly into the void


*the piano music has stopped, and Ancalagon is snoring loudly, face down on the keyboard*


"Nuts, I was looking forward to hearing some Beetofeeen, that always helps me write crappy, last minute term papers" Mojlnir says to the typewriter.


*relieved not to hear a reply, Mojlnir returns to typing, hoping against hope that he will have achieved at least a semblence of competency in the eyes of his professors*


2.5 term papers in less that a week! Someone's on fire!

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*shin wakes up with a cold back to see the inside of acrids castle, he is baddly beaten and has no more spoons "D@MN it acrid you're dead and ur still

:ranting: ing with me"


*shin walks over to the guard who has all his spoons and offers him a bottle of tequila the guard accepts the bottle unknowing that shin has put headache medicine in it


OOC>and we all know what happes when wwe mix alchohol and drugs


*shin recovers all his spoons and returns to the scene of mojnir's casino and plays in the bingo hall "yey" :lol:

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Watching some newly designed drones create a space station in an asteroid field, Armiena turns to watch earth explode. She is surprised to see that it's perfectly intact, although frozen over. "Weird.... i need to get checked. That's 2 hallucinations I've had in 2 days."

She decides to send a small party out to earth, and make a new fortress there. Her fleet lands on the poor guard, ending his alcohol/drug misery.

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*Acrid finally fed up with the massive manuver he was about to engage into a fierce battle was not "sent" properly and the "page" expired, losing his whole battle plan! Acrid surrenders or whatever he hasn't been paying attencion to current events
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