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The Snow Arena


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*Having had quite enough with term papers for the evening, Mojlnir stirs himself in Purgatory*


"There's some fun stuff goin' out there in the world" muses Mojlnir to a still unconcious Ancalagon


*Mojlnir activates his black box and drops through a portal out of Purgatory*

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*And reappears at the helm of a gargantuan K-class interstellar carrier-command star cruiser*


*the horrifying K-class star cruiser is the most punishing star ship yet know in any universe, with weapons too terrible and numerous to describe, and more men and fighters than I can to describe at this point either...just think the F***ing biggest damn starship ever and multiply it by 9*


*It's that huge and deadly*


"Enough sitting around" mutters Mojlnir "I gave them a casino at they burned it and I almost gave them a golf course but then got bored...so now its time to annihilate these infidel pigdogs!"


"Number Two" yells Mojlnir "Engage all targets! FULL BATTERY ON MY COMMAND!!"



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*Cmac's sattelite disintegrates in a devatating salvo, a salvo so huge that part of the planets atmosphere is burned off as the incredible power rips through it*


*Mojlnir cackles with insane glee*


"I missed Earth!" he remarks to no one as the ship continues to rumble as the guns keep firing "Hey Acrid and ShinJioh...I'll spare you if you're nice to me!"


*Can they hear him over the ungodly noise of a K-class star cruiser firing full broadside?*


"I hope so, Acrid is always trying to kill me. That stinks"

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*Shin looks up at the sky to see the biggest :ranting: ing ship ever built and sees mojnir at command deck.


*Shin then sees the atmosphere is failing and the earthII is pretty :ranting:


"Mojlnir, first acrid now you trying to blow up the earth"


"Mojlnir, behind you" yells shin as an ICE DEATH STAR twice the size of Mojlnir's ship appears.


"where'd you think i came from? huh?" laughs Shin as the death star teleports Mojlnir to right in front of Shin and then blows the :ranting: out of Mojlnir's ship.


*the death star then returns to whence it came with an undetectable warp signature.


*"Now you may have your cavewich mojlnir" screams shin as a mountain of ice piles on top of Mojlnir, pleased with this Shin turns around


"Acrid, stoip drinking out of the toilet!"

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*Having obviously ignored the offer of peace, ShinJioh blows the crap out of Mojlnir's really expensive and very large star cruiser*


*Unbeknownst to Shin, Mojlnir attached a tracking device to the ICE DEATH STAR and follows Shin into the void*


"I will settle this once and for all" mutters Mojlnir grimly "Shin will die begging for his mommy!"


*Mojlnir gets out his cell phone and calls his Grandma, who immediately shows up with 6 of her bridge playing friends*


*Sobbing, Mojlnir tells his Nana that mean old Shin was picking on him and that he was in the big stupid death star in the distance*


*Royally pissed, Mojlnir's Granny and her friends warp onto the bridge of the death star and beat the holly living crap out shin with their purses*


*Careful to steal ALL of Shin's spoons, the grannies run his body over with electric wheel chairs and the set fire to the death star*


*Watching from the distance, Mojlnir chuckles to himself*


"How do you like that cavewich, Shin? Hehehehe..."

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Of course that was just a draem of Mojlnirs that he had because HIS HEAD was to cold while being stuck in the cavewich.


ShinJiOh was still on earth in his castle with acrid (who would bring shin and his stuff back to life anyway using the time machine in the underground chamber of another castle)

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