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The Snow Arena


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The sunshine comes over the snowy mountains as a group of horsemen rides over the lands. At front of the colon rides a man with a snowrifle on his back. His face has a big scar. His eyes are dead and the only feeling left in them is hatred and the will to destroy. Pack Rat survived the rebellion... but does no longer listen to the name anymore. His people betrayed him for a faith of a false god, a man witch he once gave another chance, a man who in the end betrayed his nobility and neutrality. Pack Rat gave his people a kingdom where everyone was equal, where there was no hunger or shortage... and they still betrayed him.


Peregrine calls himself a god... The people actually believe his lies.

They cheer to the murderer of their children and family.

"Religion is opium to the people", he thinks. 35 honorable soldiers stayed loyal to him.

His group now rides under the red banner. The red displays their beliefs but also their hatred to the false god.

They became outlaws who now seek survival.


Pack Rat is determined. Peregrine will pay...

He only needs to reach several detachments who remained loyal to him, but he also needs to reach the "Hydra"...

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*Being that Ancalagon is well, incorporeal, Malachik's fleas have no effect on him. Though, they are rather intertaining and he decides to open a Flea Circus in the Blessed Realms, where 80% of the proceeds go to Malchik's "Feed the hungry Fleas" fund and charity. The other 20% goes to Ancalagon for lunch money.


'Huzzah! Now we can finally send my pet Gargoyle Pazoozoo to College! Huzzah!'


*A little boy is heard to say.


<ooc: This is so random, I think I' m gonna go do some belated Christmas shopping, and maybe a Vacation as well. Heh...

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Armiena curses as she watches her fleet being massacred by the false-god Peregrine.

"You've costed me a lot... but I can still fight...."

She orders her gunnery officers to fire their entire load of warheads, carefully built over the past few weeks, and her communication officers to order her colonies to do the same.

She watches as thousands, even millions of tiny missiles streak toward Peregrine's ships all over the galaxy....

"THink you can run from your crimes?"


Her missiles did the job quite well. While most of them were shot by Peregrine's ships, the missiles' anti-energy shells and anti-snow warheads disabled the stasis field, shorted out their shields, and blew planetoid-sized holes in their hulls. Within a timespan of about 5 minutes, Peregrine's entire fleet laid helpless in space, at least until some damage control could be performed. Sadly, though, Armiena's entire arsenal was depleted, so she couldn't finish the job.


Armiena ordered her crew to evacuate, take as much equipment with them as they could, and retreat for Alpha Centauri. The reserves of her fleet will try to contact any resistance, in hopes of rebuilding the universe.

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Mojlnir, asleep on Ancalagons lower dias, mumbles drunkenly and rolls off onto the floor. After Ancalagon had explained everything to him, Mojlnir had decided that it was as good a time as any to get really loaded.


Watching the fleas through bloodshot eyes, Mojlnir struggles to grasp what Ancalagon has told him. Dragons...it's all about great big dragon gods. Of which Mojlnir now happens to be one, but preferring to get drunk in human form, still looks at least somewhat like himself...


Except for the tail and the one wing growing out of his back. Mojlnir hasn't quite got the shapeshifting bit down yet, and the empty bottle of Jagermeister on the floor next to him is not helping matters in the least. Deciding it is better to sleep off the previous evenings fun than move, Mojlnir's hand finds a half-eaten box of cereal and decides of its own volition to move it towards his mouth. Drunkenly munching on semi-stale cereal, Mojlnir passes back into oblivion.

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Mars II, capital city, Peregrines Temple 03.00 hours.


As the night has fallen over the snowy city 10 shadows move in the dark towards one of the newly raised temples of Peregrine. Most of the priests are a sleep but few are on guard duties.


The headpriest is working in his office, finishing some documents and prepares a speech for the next day. What will he say during the observance? He looks at the portret of Peregrine and smiles. The painting always reminds him of the fortune Peregrine was about to bring to him.


Outside, one of the guards hears something and moves towards the noise, while he looks around the corner, he feels the pain of an iceblade that rips trough his flesh. The life in his eyes is disappearing and soon falls on the ground while his blood spoils the white snow. Before the other guard cn react, two men grabbed him from behind and slit his troath. The attackers carry the bodys unseen inside and proceed their task.


The sleeping priests didn't realise a thing. One of them wakes up because of thirst. He stands up and stumbles half asleep into the hallway. When he gets to the main hall he sees the shadows but before he realises whats going on, his head was no longer part of his body.

The sleeping priests were killed in their beds and dreams.


The headpriest thought heard a noise and looks towards the door.

"Bloody rats"; he mumples and continues his work. In his concentration he doesnt notices the opening door. While looking up from his papers he notices the wet boots standing in front of him. The priest looks up and looks into a face of hatred and scars. The priest stands up and begs for mercy. The tears run over his face while the enormous fear in his eyes speaks for itself.


Your god does not know mercy...


The priest wants to yell "no" but in the middle of his yell the sword pierced itself trough his body while the blood drips of the blade. Tears fall out of the man's eyes and soon he falls dead on the table. The man and his companions leave the dead temple and disappear in the night again, leaving a red banner hanging in the chapel.


The next day temple visitors found the priests dead and the headpriest above his table. Beneath him was the speech witch was spoiled with his blood...

The only sentence that had not disappeared in the blood yet was:"He is the reason of our fortune..."

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As ohGr surveys the scene of the battlefield, he tells his communications officer


i have something extremely important for you to do


she replies

you actually mean attack someone?


ohGr replies

Something even more important...who ate the last donut?


she replies

i dont know how you became captian of this ship attached to a planet but before i get angrier at you, why dont we attack


ohGr replies

randomly fire those little firecracker things at people


she replies

im assuming you mean missles, ill do that (she turns on the microphone) attention, load 40 chemical missiles into the cannons, and fire at will


the cannons get filled with chemical missiles with some snow used to keep it cold and fired at will, a few of those missiles hit peregrenes fleet, destroying some, and a few more hit Armiena's ship, causing a few black marks.


ohGr says

now...where was that do not press this button or the last donut will get eaten button?

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Malchik is now trying to Salsa. The attempt leaves much to be desired, in particular a partner. Hell is not the best place to find one as most of the inhabitants are too hot-tempered and accidentally standing on their feet will result in injuries of the kind 'unpleasant'. Malchik dislikes injuries, especially those to himself.


Pack Rat appears to be gnawing away at the last vestiges of the vanished Peregrine. Armenia spends all her time rebuilding her fleet when she is in dire need of a new haircut and an update to her wardrobe. Still, she doesn't look the sort to salsa.


Everyone else is fixated on food and drink!


Oh my! What a world we play in.


Feeling a little lonely, Malchik continues his disconsolate, hellish dance.

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*Shin turns from the dining table to see malchik doing some kind of dance that reminds him of a somewhat disturbing image of a drunken praying mantis........


*Shin grabs a glassful of the punch at the table and takes a sip..............


"Alright who thspiked thisssss think wish extah ieth(alright who spiked this drink with extra ice)


*Shins teeth begin to have some serious aches.. he looks aroun and sees no sign of anything warm to eat. "nuts"

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Mars II: The war ends...


With the disapearance of Peregrine the people of Mars II now realised that Peregrine was nothing more but an imposter.

Pack Rat's guerrilla fighters entered the capital once again and regained power of the planet. However he will never forget the betrayl of the people.


His once loyal council now doesnt dares to look him in the face anymore. The council was replaced by the ones who remained loyal to him. Peregrines temples were burned and the true "Red" code was restored on Mars II.

Red flags waved at the gates of the capital.


Peregrines remaining forces were quickly defeated and were on the run.

The Juggernaut fleets whiped the Mars II space clean of any remaining forces of Peregrine.


Mars II belonged to it's true lord again.


The war is over and Pack Rat finds himself victorious enough... Peregrine is gone and that was what counts.


Councilor: My Lord, is the war over?

Pack Rat: For now it is...

Councilor: And Peregrine?

Pack Rat: He'll be back... he'll be back but next time... we shall be ready for him.



With Mars II restored in it's honor, Saturn. Mercury, Jupiter and Neptune were colonised.


Every planet was provided with enormous planetary defences and each planet contained a fleet twice the size of the former Earth II-fleet.

The colony's began refening the snow and began their snowball productions and soon became city's like Earth II once was.


Pack Rat feels at the scar on his face... He remembers the murdering and betrayl of Peregrine...


Councilor: He's officialy defeated...

Pack Rat: Indeed...

Councilor: But we will be ready next time?

Pack Rat: Mars II now contains an enormous military and economic strength... Peregrine wont come unprepared... And when he comes... I'll be there...


And there is still the "Hydra"...

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*Ancalagon, sensing Peregrine's absence, decides to through a huge bash in the Blessed Realm. Unfortuneatley, this means that everyone must be dead to enter...


*He decides to invite Shin and Malchik over so they can get absolutley loaded, and enjoy high quality breakfast cereals as well.

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