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The Snow Arena


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*"so you're old, you're cold, you're hungry and bungry?, well just join the bl009y queue why dont ya? Because i dont want you to die just yet, i will send you a ship it'll dump it's stuff on you and then leave there will be guards this ship has no shields and no weapons."


"I have enough people like that here....."


*Shin sends a nother message to Pack Rat... " are you being attacked?, if so then your prague is like a helm's deep, and Emour your lost allies like Gondor, fighting on the fronts. In fact i dont know why i even joind you, as soon as you got attacked yo ran back to prague and hoped that peregrine could not yet follow..


How Dare you leave your allies now taking OhGr back to your hideout, when Emour was still here, and now so is the Ice Death Star, my shields will not last much longer but what do you care? you protecet yourself... well that's it until i finally get word of anybody existing except for my enemies i'm out of this alliance.


I would only die because i followed you, We will still build, we will build until the end... So no more fighting will come from us to either you or Peregrine, good day."



*Shin turns around to face the crowd beneath his tower, "It is done, my followers.................................................... "


"Now lets all get drunk and play ping-pong!"

YEAH! shouts all the people on Emour as they all charge on down to the nearest brewery.

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The old man screams loudly, no let me in you infidels! he spasams and falls to the ground. he is rolling back and forth, covering himself with snow. He repeats one thing over and over again: Let me in, no dont... it is the cloud the horrible cloud-the cloud is the swarm let me in.
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The man vomits and runs at the closed entrance repededly, falling backwards each time. Suddenly he goes into convulsians, he opens his mouth as if to scream but it was not a scream that came forth. As a black 'cloud' pours from the mans mouth he screams and yells wildly:


run you fools...they will kill you a-


The cloud moves up wavering, searching for a gaurd. any lifeform with which to consume slowely from the inside. The same it had done to the old man (nowonder he was going crazy)


This cloud is more of a swarm, nano robots created by rudy and unleashed on the universe. On its sensors it picks up many bodies, moving quickly. Towards a brewery, the swarm swiftly heads toward them.

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*Of course the swarm could not even get past the gates and was stuck outside, because of the shielding surrounding the planet and evntually the virus was blasted into smitherines.....


OOC> im stupid but not that stupid i already said there were shields protecting the whole planet

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the swarm reassembles after the blast, as it is only destroyable by incineration. Its CPU cannot process the fact that it caannot reach the moving prey. it cannot pass the barrier. Soon the nanobots die because of burned batteries or something from the blast.


*the old dead man in front of your gate is starting to stink

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A figure appears on the field of snow-battle. Red flames come out of his body, and it radiates unbelievable heat. His striped suit and tophat look somewhat out of place, and, somehow, don't burn. "Allow me to introduce my brother, to take part in this fiasco!" The background music starts up as a figure, blue in appearance, materializes in front of you with a thunderclap. A chorus line of smaller versions of himself begin to dance in front of him as he begins singing. "I'm mister White Chistmas, I'm mister snow. I'm mister icicle, I'm mister ten below. They call me cold miser, whatever I touch, turns to ice in my clutch! I'm too much!" He raises his arms, and all the world freezes over, then with the icy tentacles of his coldness splaying out into space, Venus and Mars, then Mercury and Jupiter, then finally the sun and Saturn turn to great balls of ice. He leaves the other planets alone as they are frozen already. "Now, he says," turning to the others. "Who wants to mess with me?"
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*Ancalagon sends message to Anyar and Zanyar to make certain that Mojlnir arrives at Emour and that they reveal themselves to him. Ancalagon is also amused as there appears to be a throwback from the old 'Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer' movies in this Universe...(heh, Snow Miser...awsomeness tenfold).


*Thunder peals across the Blessed Realm as the mighty Forge encircling the rim of a volcano continues in it's never ceasing toil. The Ice Elves, advanced throughout the millennia are now bringing to fruition their skills and crafts that they have learned. Armour strong as adamant, wonderous light, and shining like Silver and Pearl is one of the many wonders that the skilled hands of the Ice Elves have laboured to bring forth. Each day, more and more weapons and armour is produced from the mighty Forge, and the number of the Faithfull, who never left Ancalagon's side even in death, swell to numbers uncounted. Many Ice Elves, valiant Princes, noble Lords, grim-faced Captains, proud Kinsmen of the Great White Dragon Ancalagon serve Him and only Him.


*Closest to Him is Ranyar Admaron, who fought by Ancalagon before he was dragged to his Mortal Death, and Ranyar has never forgiven Peregrine for the wounds and scars he suffered on that day. For Ranyar was pitted against many of his own House, where the mad 'God' had spread much treachery and sown dark seeds of doubt, causing his House to be the first to rebel and marshall the host that marched against Ancalagon and besieged his old tower. Ranyar slew many of his Kinsmen, and the grief and anguish of those memories have not left him. As the last living line of his House Ranyar has sworn utmost revenge upon Peregrine, and that nothing, not even death shall stop him from exacting it upon the accursed Bird from Hell.

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